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Fun At The Block House

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Photographs1568 of 5188Der Stadt Friedhof Cemetery-Fredericksburg, TexasPeople Keep Trying to Destroy It
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (813 items)

    You can see me in photo 2 with my dog Rhoda who had so much fun at the Block House today in North Muskegon.

    The Block House is set in one of our state-parks where there is much hiking and fun to be had. The house in recent years has been heavily improved, yet people still continue to try and burn it down.

    I had decided to take a photo of some people taking photos outside the landmark. Later I showed them, and one wrote an email on a sticker (which I stuck to the flash feature in my camera) to email them the photos I took of them. The one shown is the first photo which was a quick, random shot from the top.

    When on the ground, I loudly said to my mom who was higher up the hill that I would try to take photos of the people peeking out from the windows, so someone stuck his camera out and pointed it at me.

    "Ah-ha!" I exclaimed, "I caught you!" and shot him as he shot me from above.

    My dog had much excitement there albeit we had to leave very soon for I had to go to Club.

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    1. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 8 years ago
      Hello SpiritBear......terrific pictures!
    2. racer4four racer4four, 8 years ago
      I love the block house construction - pity others don't look after it as you would. Your dog is smiling!!
    3. fleafinder fleafinder, 8 years ago
      hello spiritbear
      the block house is so unique looks built out of jenga blocks
    4. SpiritBear, 8 years ago
      Tassie Devil, thank you. I was running around taking pics, most of them quick as there was little time.

      Racer4Four, the State maintains it, but it's not the most easily found site in Muskegon. As for Rhoda, she loves me. When storms come, she sleeps in my bed. She always listens to me. She's always in the window when I'm pulling in my driveway. She didn't even mind having a shirt be used as a leash, for we couldn't find hers. LOL.

      FleaFinder, *Waves paw back.* I've read a few accounts. The more interesting of them is, it was originally built of the the timbers of a wrecked ship, and it was originally built of left over lumber from our lumber era. As for the truth in either, who knows. It was always meant to salute the frontier, though.

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