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Pask Lötz Gallery

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Bohemian Art Glass2732 of 6681Estate Sale Find Fritz Heckert Silberband with StandKralik's Take on Loetz Diaspora Décor
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (8 items)


    I know many members here like Lôtz in all its forms, so you might be interested in the following link:

    Looks like a visit to Klatovy will soon be on my agenda :) :)


    Bohemian Art Glass
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    Pr. Antique Bohemian Cranberry Moser Enameled Floral Panel & Gilded Glass Vases
    Pr. Antique Bohemian Cranberry Mose...
    Antique Bohemian Red & White Overlay Cut to Clear 9
    Antique Bohemian Red & White Overla...
    Art Nouveau Moser? Bohemian Blue Gold Cut Glass Mantle Luster
    Art Nouveau Moser? Bohemian Blue Go...
    Antique 1900 Iridescent Loetz Art Glass Stem Vase Art Nouveau Pewter Mount
    Antique 1900 Iridescent Loetz Art G...
    Pr. Antique Bohemian Cranberry Moser Enameled Floral Panel & Gilded Glass Vases
    Pr. Antique Bohemian Cranberry Mose...
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    1. verretcheque verretcheque, 8 years ago
      Thanks for all the likes.

      This museum pushes all my buttons, super glass, light and airy space, not too crowded, and a thoughtful design. Somewhere on the site they also talk of having Marie Kirschner's records for orders and so on, so truly a seriously important resource.

      Only opened in 2014, but to be treasured, supported and visited, as often as possible. A great credit to the Czech government, and to the local council of Klatovy.

    2. Rick55 Rick55, 8 years ago
      Thanks so much for sharing the link Verretcheque! Some of those pieces are incredible!
    3. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 8 years ago
      Thank you!!

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