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B,B, & B - Boyd, Boyd and Boyd Theater Trunk - very cool

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (34 items)

    I told myself that I wasn't going to bring any more trunks home as I had plenty - plenty to work on, plenty to enjoy, and plenty in the gazebo and basement. That is a lot of trunks waiting to be worked on (let's say approximately 45). But....this one came along and I couldn't resist. First time ever in my 25 years of collecting and working on trunks that I have seen one from this maker - and had never seen one this size. It measure 32 x 32 x 23. B, B, and B trunks were out of Pittsburgh I gathered from google. On the top in faded gold lettering it reads, Henry Hertsch Theater. I couldn't find any info about Henry, but the size of the trunk makes sense it might have been a theater trunk. It is sooo cool - heavy as a horse - approximately 75-80 pounds. I dusted it this morning and will enjoy it for a bit. If anyone has any info on B, B, and B or Henry, let me know. Trunk on my friends.

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    1. trunkman trunkman, 8 years ago
      Really great flat-tops are so hard to find -- this is a beauty!! Love the two-tone latches and Taylor-like metal trim all around. I would not have been able to pass this one up either -- meh, 46... what's one more!
    2. jscott0363 jscott0363, 8 years ago
      Oh, that's a great looking trunk! I agree with T-man on the two-tone latches.
    3., 8 years ago
      Nice trunk. Your trunk is most likely a drum trunk for a traveling orchestra. I have photos of these with the drum inside. What does the inside look like? That familiar trim, that we see most often on Taylor trunks, was patented on June 11 1895 by David Goldsmith.
    4. bjb5859 bjb5859, 8 years ago
      Great looking trunk!
      I posted a B,B,and B trunk about a year ago.Very well built trunks.
      Beware! If you plan on removing the canvas you won't believe how hard it comes off.
    5. Drill Drill, 8 years ago
      It does look heavy Sherwood, maybe you could get this guy to schlep it around .
    6. Drill Drill, 8 years ago
      The patent Jim referred too.
    7. TrunkerMarvin TrunkerMarvin, 8 years ago
      Great theatrical trunk! I'm with you, I would have bought it too even if I had to kick something outside under a tarp! Probably used to haul equipment, costumes, stage gear, etc. around the country. In nice condition, worth preserving in the original condition with the name. Great find!
    8. Drill Drill, 8 years ago

      These are other patents that may apply .
    9. Drill Drill, 8 years ago
      this is the patent hardware used by B.B.&B.

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