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Peterdrury's loves41 of 292WC Victorian ??Lady Clock Ornament Cloisonne Vase
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (429 items)

    hi we have here Zsolnay Pecs Eosin iridescent glaze
    Art Deco nude figure Hungary
    height 9 inches widest point 6 inches approximately

    Art Deco
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    308a Antique/Vtg 30s - 40's arT Deco Ceiling Light Lamp Fixture Glass Hall Bath
    308a Antique/Vtg 30s - 40's arT Dec...
    308am Antique/Vtg 30s - 40's arT Deco Ceiling Light Lamp Fixture Glass Hall Bath
    308am Antique/Vtg 30s - 40's arT De...
    750am Antique Vintage 30's 40s art deco Glass Ceiling Light Lamp hall porch
    750am Antique Vintage 30's 40s art ...
    790a Vintage antique arT Deco Ceiling Light Lamp Fixture Glass Shade Re-Wired
    790a Vintage antique arT Deco Ceili...
    308a Antique/Vtg 30s - 40's arT Deco Ceiling Light Lamp Fixture Glass Hall Bath
    308a Antique/Vtg 30s - 40's arT Dec...
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    1. inky inky, 8 years ago
      She is sooooo!!! very beautiful and your setting just enhances her more so..wonderful!.....:-)
    2. beyemvey beyemvey, 8 years ago
      I have seen a few small Zsolnay pieces at local shops, but nothing as spectacular as this!
    3. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 8 years ago
      BB2 was here
    4. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      LOVE HER!!
    5. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 8 years ago
      I'll wait till after I go to bed.
    6. MALKEY MALKEY, 8 years ago
      thankin you kindly inky, Bob ,celiene & BB2
      she's my glass guardian always watching 24/7
    7. Rick55 Rick55, 8 years ago
      Oh my Malkey, what is striking sculpture! Simply Beautiful!
    8. MALKEY MALKEY, 8 years ago
      hi Rick & i'm pleased you like the lady my friend
    9. vetraio50 vetraio50, 8 years ago
    10. MALKEY MALKEY, 8 years ago
      Hi Kevin and a very happy time to you also
    11. MALKEY MALKEY, 7 years ago
      so much thanks for love support fleafinder penny bratjdd bob tobiasold poire manikin roy celiene phild maryh1956 fortapache tassiedevil geodejem radegunder marta lovelypat melaniej sean pete peterdrury kevin blunderbuss2 kyratango & laura !!!!!!!!
    12. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 7 years ago
      MALKEY, I know this is an older post, but the first time that I looked at it. A very beautiful piece it is too, nicer than any that I saw on line, the color combination is great! Thank you so much for showing! :^)
    13. antiquerose antiquerose, 7 years ago
      Love, love, love...Love it!! My grandparents immigrated from there, so this strikes my 'Roots'
    14. jscott0363 jscott0363, 7 years ago
      Beautiful sculpture MALKEY!!
    15. MALKEY MALKEY, 7 years ago
      sean bill bb2 rose scott many thanks for the love !!!!!!!!
      hi bill thats so kind you as far as i,m aware this original not reused moulds of mordern times
      thank you my friend scott be jesus be with you
      arrr rose i,m so tickled pink you love the piece & grandparents connection fabilus as my mind set works connections connections to relate to our fantastic world of beautiful people
      great just great !!!!!!!!
    16. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 7 years ago
      Here's one on Ebay, but yours is much nicer! :^D

      Thank you again MALKEY :^)
    17. MALKEY MALKEY, 5 years ago
      thanks bill my friend
      hi ya jenni just super you love !!!!!!!!!!!
      all the very best malkey
    18. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 5 years ago
      Yeah ! BB2 was here again
    19. MALKEY MALKEY, 5 years ago
      hi ya jenni rose ken gudrun watchsearcher thedecoguy chris trey many thanks for the love my friends
      all the very best malkey

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