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C. A. Taylor XX Sample Trunk

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (32 items)

    I found this unusual sized Taylor sample trunk a few years ago and finally got around to doing a restoration on it. It's 29" by 22" by 18". It had all the hardware and original tray, label, etc, but did need cleaning, light sanding, and repainting on the exterior and then a relining of the interior. I found fabric which nearly matched the original style and color. Some of the original fabric is still on the tray, including all the original paper trim. The tray has great Taylor latches on it and a special lid prop inside, hinges on the back, plus the Taylor patented tray holder. I wish I could show more pictures of the interior and the sides, which have the original thick rawhide handles and the large doweled handle holders with the big T on them. The "XX" trunks were their top quality trunks made for professional salesmen, theatrical groups, etc. Based on old catalogs I've seen, this trunk could have been made from the 1890's to 1920's. I had bought this trunk to keep, but I feel very honored to say that this trunk is going to be owned soon by a true descendant of Charles Taylor himself who lives in Rhode Island!

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    1. trunkman trunkman, 8 years ago
      So beautiful -- and what a great story Marvin...
    2. TrunkerMarvin TrunkerMarvin, 8 years ago
      Thanks trunkman! I'm very happy that this one is going to a Taylor family member!
    3. Drill Drill, 8 years ago
      Marvin that is incredible that a descendant will be getting this trunk . Quite rewarding I'm sure to know that it will really be appreciated by that member.Wonderful interior Job with the hard to find latches !It is my favorite Taylor label which is hard for others to see in the photo!It is a cool picture of the storefront in Chicago at a much grander/simpler time in America's history.Thanks for this post.
    4. Drill Drill, 8 years ago
      I must say that every time I see a Taylor Trunk it makes me think of Harry Houdini !
    5. TrunkerMarvin TrunkerMarvin, 8 years ago
      Drill, thanks for the comments and I think the Houdini trunk links are fantastic! Thanks for providing those links! Some great pictures and a couple do look like Taylor trunks.
    6. jscott0363 jscott0363, 8 years ago
      That's a beauty Marvin!! Lot's of hard work went into it, but the results are absolutely amazing. It's gotta make you feel good knowing it's going to a descendant of the Taylor family. How very cool that is!
    7. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      You can post more pictures in a second post. Please do! I want to see the label.
    8. Drill Drill, 8 years ago
      Your welcome Marvin,This was a Metamorphosis trunk that he built for an escape.I believe It has some Crouch Fitzgerald hardware around the lid on it but was custom made with false compartments to accomplish the trick.
    9. TrunkerMarvin TrunkerMarvin, 8 years ago
      Happy Thanksgiving, have a great day! And thanks for the "loves" and feedback everyone. Drill, those posts are very interesting. I'm also going to do another post to show the label and a couple more pictures since there is interest in them. Thanks!
    10. TrunkerMarvin TrunkerMarvin, 8 years ago
      Celiene, thanks for the suggestion. I've posted a second set of pictures including the label.
    11. Drill Drill, 8 years ago
    12. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      Drill - great link! Best tagline for a product EVER: "Take your Taylor and beat it"! : )
    13. Drill Drill, 8 years ago
      A link to a taylor advertising book

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