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1972 McGovern for President Pinback by Peter Max

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (516 items)

    I in an earlier life collected American political memorabilia - had Lincoln, scores of Theodore Roosevelt etc - AND wanted - but never was successful - landing this iconic Peter Max designed pinback button from the 1972 presidential campaign... until 2016. Now that I have refocused my collecting mania to my post retirement years to the hippie era, I felt a compulsion to own this button... and succeeded by buying the first I found online. I also own the Alexander Caldwell anti-war pinback as well - which I will show & tell soon. Love this piece, much simpler than the colorful golden age political buttons I once owned - but to me equally desirable.

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    1. PoliticalPinbacks PoliticalPinbacks, 8 years ago
      Nice classic Max button happy to see it, Haven't seen your Alexander Caldwell button yet maybe I missed it? I was wondering if it is the same as the New Mobilization 15 Nov 69 Calder button I have posted ( It is posted with the black and white OUT NOW button some of my posts have up to 4 buttons on the same post)
      Keep the faith, Peace

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