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PoliticalPin…'s loves930 of 10221972 McGovern for President Pinback by Peter MaxPinback buttons from my collection
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (5 items)

    I continue to be clueless about pinbacks so Mustang suggested to show some of it... Don't know if there are any diamonds in the rought... Enjoy and please comment if you like

    See all
    Vintage Wink And Ill Do The Rest 1930s-40s Funny Button Mini .75
    Vintage Wink And Ill Do The Rest 19...
    Vintage 1960s Vietnam War 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 W.D.W.Y.F.W Pin Pinback, Historic USA!
    Vintage 1960s Vietnam War 1 - 2 - 3...
    Vintage 1960s Civil Rights Pinback Button United We Shall Overcome JD Equality
    Vintage 1960s Civil Rights Pinback ...
    1944 FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT FDR campaign pin pinback button political president
    1944 FRANKLIN D ROOSEVELT FDR campa...
    Vintage Wink And Ill Do The Rest 1930s-40s Funny Button Mini .75
    Vintage Wink And Ill Do The Rest 19...
    See all


    1. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 12 years ago
      And to think I almost skipped over this! maybe some roughs in the diamonds. Really neat collection. Don't tell me you found this in the dump or I'll be hanging out there & I'm not a patient man. I'm like the the 2 buzzards sitting on a limb & one turns to the other and says, "I'm tired of waiting, - lets go kill something". I'm curious mostly about the one cut-off in the left corner of #1 that says, "Nazi Germany". Could I get a shot of that as I wonder what it is. Gen'l Foch, ou la la! Haig? Very interesting collection. Thank you & mustang.
    2. broots broots, 12 years ago
      Yeah, the nazi has a bit of a problem but it's pretty cool. My kid took her camera so I can't photo it again right now. There are more pinbacks that I couldn't get in the photos, they have a different backing to them where the pin slides into the back. Looks like it two pieces pressed together with a cutout for the pin. Got these along with a few thoudand items from an 85 year old collectore who is just moving on. A real wide variety of shuff. I'll post the black powder rifle tomorrow and maybe someone can identify it. Pretty ornate but no markings that I can see...
    3. broots broots, 12 years ago
      And I can't spell...
    4. PoliticalPinbacks PoliticalPinbacks, 8 years ago
      I agree the Nazi is up there however I think the Lewis and Clark is the diamond that would bring the most value and is in great condition, The Deering Harvester button's do well also selling for $20+ each
    5. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 8 years ago
      And where is the blk pdr. rifle ?

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