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Pinback buttons from my collection

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PoliticalPin…'s loves931 of 1022The collection of pinbacks I acquired.  Anything interesting?World War 2 German Helmet and Trench Art Bullet Knife
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    Posted 12 years ago

    (1 item)

    All types of pinback buttons and other celluloid advertising items interest me. I particularly like early items (1869 to 1920) that are graphic and historically interesting. I also like political campaign buttons and related memorabilia. Most of the items I collect are celluloid and range from 3/4 inches in diameter to 9 inches. I am particularly interested in early advertising, street fairs, Worlds Fairs, sports, comics, vaudeville, aviation, automobiles, famous people, woman suffrage, prohibition, Lindbergh, United Confederate Veteran reunion items, and so on. Thanks for looking!

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