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Vintage 1970s Enamel on Metal FLOWER POWER brooches / pins

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (516 items)

    Vintage early 1970s Enamel on Metal FLOWER POWER Pins. My daughter when she was young 20-25 years ago, would join me on my early Saturday Morning Yard Sale Tour, and we set about collecting these as father and daughter bonding. Whichever of us saw them, we would grab them and back then they were usually a quarter each, think one was as low as a nickel. It was a fun thing to do while I searched for the classic antiques. We still have the collection intact today and I display them with my hippie era in a glass case i got from one of the craft chains... on sale naturally.

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    1. lentilka11, 8 years ago
      Beautiful garden!!!!
    2. HippieArchaeologist HippieArchaeologist, 8 years ago
      Beautifully said!
    3. martika martika, 8 years ago
      This collection would brighten up every corner!!! :)
    4. JImam JImam, 8 years ago
      That so cool!
    5. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 8 years ago
      i've been wearing one of these now and then - pinned to my t-shirt. i was wearing one the other day when interviewed on CNN!

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