Posted 8 years ago
(3458 items)
Something I picked up on my birthday shopping spree in Orange Circle.
This is some sort of garden tool most likely a hoe of sorts.
A nice thing about this sort of item is that they take up no room inside the house. As can be seen I put up the various tools along the side of my house. This is the front bit which supports the log portion my house. Eventually I will get a two handed saw. This area was used to supply Los Angeles with lumber in the early days.
As for using this tool as a hoe plants up here need to be wrapped in gopher wire from top to bottom. Lots of critters so don't expect me to grow crops.
That's pretty cool. My girlfriend & I have old farm tools hanging on her pole barn/garage at her cottage also. I should take some pics of them and show them.
Thank you very much iggy. It seems the thing to do.
Thank you
i have a couple just like this one. i think it's for removing dandelions from lawns, but not certain.
The look good hanging on the wall like that.
You don't say how long it is but this sort of tool is also used for ice harvesting to retrieve the blocks after they are cut free and are floating around in the pond.
Happy birthday.
Thank you very much ho2cultcha. I will try it on my next dandelion.
And thank you very much elanski.
Thank you very much UncleRon. It's about 5 feet long. Typical length of a hoe or rake.
Thank you very much SpiritBear.
Thank you
Thank you
Looks like something I should grab to attack Frankenstein's castle with the other peasants ;-P Cheers! - Bob
PS - happy birthday!
Thank you very much beyemvey. It does have that look. I had best watch out for peasants storming castles with my tools. And thank you for the Bday wishes.
Thank you vetraio50.
Good for picking up snakes
Thank you very much Ralph. Who wants to try it out?