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A Vintage PINK Brooch

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1467 items)

    Hi CW Gang:

    [ Post # 1001 now onward to the next 1000 ...LOL]

    A vintage PINK Brooch I won at a Silent auction a few days ago. No marks of anything, so just a Costume piece but I loved the Color. It is Eye Candy !! Really sparkles.

    Thanks for LOOKING // LOVING !!

    ~ Rose ~


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    1. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      Wow, HOT PINK! That's a great prize.
    2. Manikin Manikin, 8 years ago
      oh wow that is smokin HOT ! blaze pink :-) Looks a lot like Sherman to me :-)
    3. TassieDevil TassieDevil, 8 years ago
      Wow, beautiful Rose!! I had forgotten you were a "pink girl"! :))
    4. bijoucaillouvintage bijoucaillouvintage, 8 years ago
      I reckon this post will gather a lot of pink girls. I'm one of them! :-))
    5. antiquerose antiquerose, 8 years ago
      ..........Gonna hit the hay here, and cold outside here. I MEAN Cold !
    6. antiquerose antiquerose, 8 years ago
      .....Oh how cold tonigh?

      Just minus - 34 with the windchill. So excuse me if I do not take any Glass pictures * Outside * ..... LOL
    7. antiquerose antiquerose, 8 years ago
      MERRY CHRISTMAS ~ and THANKS for the ~ LOVES ~

      lentilka11, Manikin, beyemvey, fleafinder, freiheit, pebble, valentino97, Ms.CrystalShip, SEAN68, jscott0363, vetraio50, bijoucaillouvintage, mikelv85
      fortapache, jeneric, TassieDevil, AnnaB, aura, Caperkid, inky, PhilDMorris, Efesgirl

      @Manikin - Thanks mani!! Wish is was marked !! That would be a +++

      @valentino97 - Thanks. Do I really look 1000 posts OLD ? LOL, and I have so much more stuff here!! Thanks for your support and for loving my brooch!!

      @Ms.CrystalShip - Thanks so much!! This one grabbed my eye -- both of them....LOL

      @bijoucaillouvintage -Lol....To the PINK GIRLS !! ~ CHEERS ~

      @TassieDevil - LOL, I am a pink girl for everything but clothing. I hate the color pink on me (as in shirts, sweaters )....but not in Glass and Jewelry !!

      @Efesgirl - Thanks Bonnie!! It is even better in Real life than what the Photo shows!!
    8. Gillian, 8 years ago
      Hi Rose,
      Where on earth do you live? I wouldn't last long in temps like that. Record low where if live (Hamilton, Ontario) was -24C in 2015.

      Lovely sparkly brooch.
    9. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 8 years ago
      OMG I wouldn't make it thru that either...think warm thoughts Rose! Beautiful brooch. (I know you're probably gonna hate this but it's about 70 degrees here!) Lovin' So Cal!!!
    10. antiquerose antiquerose, 8 years ago
      LOL....The Canadian Prairies !!

      Suppose to get to -14 Celsius by the weekend here. Last night was minus - 38 with the windchill. The temp was only - 24 Celsius below -- but the winds were up so that make the cooling effect faster. So we always look at the Windchill factor here.

      "" Wind Chill == In other words, the air 'feels' colder than it is because of the chilling effect of the wind on the skin. In extreme conditions this will increase the risk of adverse effects such as frostbite..."
    11. Manikin Manikin, 8 years ago
      Yes Rose you were so kind to send that arctic blast down here too ! and Shareurpassion I grew up in So Cal and sure miss it !!
    12. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 8 years ago
      Mani, it is toasty here! Even tho there are so many beautiful places, So Cal is the place for me ;)

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