Posted 8 years ago
(5053 items)
i really don't know why i buy things sometimes! what am i going to do with this one? it's in pretty good shape - whatever it is. i was thinking it might be cool to use as a frame for a collage of some sort... another piece of something for who knows what?
where is the camera category?
It is part of an old view camera, but it seems to be missing a lot of parts. Front standard where a lens board would mount is missing, back and ground glass is missing, rails and base with rack and pinion are missing. Originally the whole thing probably folded up for compact transportation, and unfolded for use.
thank you beyemvey! and now i'm missing a whopping $5! no problem... c'est la vie!
This is the remains of a Seneca view camera ... more than likely the Competitor View model. Otherwise it could be the Camera City View ... I'm traveling and don't access to have my references. The Competitor View is actually a pretty camera when found in excellent conition.
thank you rniederman!
yup its and early camera, not$$
I see what you mean. When it looks that special you NEED to have it, no matter what. It's great!
I love your idea of repurposing it... It would probably make a great diapley frame as you suggest, and for $5 you surely didn't go wrong :-) Cheers! - Bob