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Antique French Trunk late 1700's early 1800's

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (149 items)

    I had posted this trunk several years back and removed it as I was going to sell it... changed my mind but forgot it was no longer with my collection on this site. The owner of this trunk had inherited furniture from France and had a container of beautiful pieces shipped to him in Canada -- wow some of the gorgeous furniture -- well this was a part of the shipment and his story was that his family had acquired it from a hotel in France as there were often no closets in the old hotels just these lovely trunks. It's all leather with brass studs as you can see -- the lock appear to be handmade, odd thing is they are exactly the same but two different sizes... The nails, particularly the top left appear to be rose head. hard to confirm a date so I'm speculating on this...

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    1. trunkman trunkman, 8 years ago
      Thanks for the love Greendog...
    2. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      Wonderful! How many trunks do you have?
    3. jscott0363 jscott0363, 8 years ago
      That is SPECTACULAR!!!!!! What a an incredible beauty this is. It's fits all of my favorite trunk categories, French, leather and spectacular!! Now I'm jealous:)
    4. trunkman trunkman, 8 years ago
      Efesgirl thanks so much for the comment- funny thing about my collection is that it fluctuates and some are chests and not trunks and awhile ago I gave up keeping track! I have some in my office, some in my loft, a lot in my home so let's just say around 30 of various shapes and sizes... thanks for asking... someone asked me today if I was a trunk 'hoarder" which in part I am, but I do let some go back into the wild after a time so I'm not hopeless ... yet.
    5. trunkman trunkman, 8 years ago
      Hey thanks js - these have such a nice feel and patina to them.... we are certainly on the same wavelength of appreciation for these works of art..
    6. Drill Drill, 8 years ago
      Soo... off the charts cool.I dig the double lock the most.Nail work and valance are superb.
    7. trunkman trunkman, 8 years ago
      Thanks Drill -- yah those locks are really neat, adds to the whole feel of the piece -- thanks so much for the visit and comment...
    8. Rick55 Rick55, 8 years ago
      I'm crazy about this Trunkman! The leather looks smooth as silk, and the decoration is over-the-top! Wonderful, wonderful piece :-)
    9. trunkman trunkman, 8 years ago
      Thanks so much Rick55 - it has a charm to it for sure...
    10. trunkman trunkman, 8 years ago
      Thanks CindB for the great comment!
    11. trunkman trunkman, 8 years ago
      Thanks walksoftly, CindB, TassieDevil, fortapache, officialfuel, katherinescollections, Rick55, Drill, mikelv85, jscott0363, Efesgirl and greendog for the loves...
    12. antiquerose antiquerose, 8 years ago
      ~ W ~ O ~ W ~
    13. trunkman trunkman, 8 years ago
      Thanks so much antiquerose -- it does have that factor to it!
    14. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      Wonderful oldie! I agree with your speculation about its age :-D
    15. trunkman trunkman, 8 years ago
      Thanks kyratango for the kind comment and affirmation on dating...
    16. Jewels Jewels, 8 years ago
      LOVE IT!
    17. trunkman trunkman, 8 years ago
      Thanks so much Jewels - it kinda speaks to me too!!
    18. SEAN68 SEAN68, 8 years ago
      MERRY CHRISTMAS Trunkman!!!
    19. trunkman trunkman, 8 years ago
      Thanks so much Sean - hope you're having a great one too!

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