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Company Salesman Steel Bank "John.J.Reinhold, Marietta, Pennsylvania, Circa 1900

In Coin Operated > Still Banks > Show & Tell and Advertising > Salesmans Samples > Show & Tell.
Karenoke's loves1182 of 1341Promotional Advertising Steel Bank"The Provident Savings Bank & Trust Co, Cincinnati, Circa 1895Promotional Advertising Steel Bank"Share Bros,Ltd, Vancouver, BC, Circa 1900
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (915 items)

    Good Evening CW Members----(10:30 PM)2016-12-17
    This is another steel bank from my collection, this is the only one i have from this manufactured company, i acquire this one only because it's salesman sample, this particular steel bank was manufactured by" John.J, Reinhold, Marietta, Pennsylvania" I collected, 3 Makers of steel bank, i figure, that's plenty for now.
    John.J.Reinhold, was a well know inventor, many US patent are from him.
    Paper bill envelop-1933
    Picture frame-1943
    Grave marker-1931
    Talking-machine-record case-1924
    Voting Booth-1923
    Coins Wrapper-1922, and many more......

    This Salesman sample was 5.25 inch long, 4. inch high, 2.25 inch deep.

    Many Thanks Everyone for Viewing.

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    1. Alan2310 Alan2310, 8 years ago
      THANK YOU, GeodeJem
      SpiritBear, to all of you for the love, and for your constant support over the last year, kindly appreciated.

    2. carto, 7 years ago
      Thanks for posting this. I have the exact same bank, but not a salesman sample. Mine is for "The Clearfield Trust Company". My bank is also missing the handle. Any idea what the handle for this one looked like? I want to make a replacement handle, but can't find any pictures on the web. Thanks, Tom
    3. Alan2310 Alan2310, 7 years ago
      Yes, Tom, I know exactly what they look like, I will post and example later tonight.

      Many thanks for the visit and comment.

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