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Ornamental lid

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (5 items)

    Very ornate lid to some kind of box. Found metal detecting a ghost town (late 1890s to late 1920s). I believe it's gold-plated. It was dug from very alkaline ground and all brass objects dug were very corroded. This lid had virtually no corrosion. There are no discernable words or numbers stamped on it. 1 7/8"x 1 5/8". Any info on what this lid would have gone to would be awesome~

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    1. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      Most likely a rouge compact. Or a compact to hold beauty marks. Maybe snuff? Cool!
    2. Hunter Hunter, 8 years ago
      Reminds me of the ornate cigarette cases popular around the turn of the century. here's one I picked up:

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