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    Posted 11 years ago

    (1467 items)

    large vintage hanging lamp with a figure of a Grecian Lady in it (called Diana). You put Mineral oil in the Lamp (bottom reservoir) and when you turn it on -- it oil drips down the plastic lines around the edges of the lamp to look like it is raining Was purchased in 1981. In Working order. Large Size about 3 feet tall, the whole lamp itself. Hangs from the ceiling on metal chain. You can find smaller ones for just the Table top ones. Will try to remember to get a pic of it running..

    love it, one of my favorites!! So Pretty!!!

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    1. smiata smiata, 11 years ago
      My husbands mother had one always working in her living room. When she passed, his nephew inherited it. My husband loved the lamp so much, he looked and looked until he found one. He bought one, but needs to find the right kind of oil to refill it. It uses a mineral oil, and it can be a little pricey. But eventually he will break down and just get Love your lamp!! They also made different sizes of these.
    2. antiquerose antiquerose, 11 years ago
      Thanks for the LOVES and THE COMMENTS:


      :kissy: :hugs:
    3. VERONTIQUE VERONTIQUE, 11 years ago
      I remember these as a kid. My dad managed a furniture store (Sterchi's) in the 70's and I would get in trouble for touching them. They fascinated me.
    4. katherinescollections katherinescollections, 10 years ago
      Why isn't there an adore button here? I have wanted one of these lamps since forever, they are the coolest thing ever.
    5. Peterdrury Peterdrury, 10 years ago
      had one years ago, loved it. we used massage oil. still rememember cause it smelled of perfume. worked great. love love love them. wish we hadnt sold it .
      want another one.
    6. antiquerose antiquerose, 8 years ago
      Thanks for the ~ LOVES ~

      Peterdrury, katherinescollections, fenwiki, VERONTIQUE

      @Peterdrury - LOL, Better ASK Santa for one. Yes I guess massage oil would work and smell pretty too!!

      @katherinescollections - Aww so funny!! I feel honored that I still have this one when everyone wants one. So I am a lucky Gal here !!!!

      @VERONTIQUE - Neat comment as it still amazes me today. Just had it turned on a day ago!!
    7. RetalicD, 8 years ago
      What is the value if you dont mind me asking?
    8. antiquerose antiquerose, 8 years ago
      @ RetalicD - We do not give out values or apprasials here on CW. You can go on Ebay or the Net to find that info. Some are pricey but like anything whatever a person is willing to pay. I know when I bought this one back in 1981 or 1982 at Xmas, it was pricey then. A we bought for a gift and it was like almost $ 300 back then. As it was for my Mom and Step Dad, and since they had 2 of everything, us kids ( the brady bunch type) all went in together to buy this one really nice gift....back then that was lots.

      You can get hanging ones, table tops ones -- in different styles and heights. Again what a person is willing to pay I guess. Lots of values on the net
    9. RadiumGuy RadiumGuy, 3 years ago
      My mother had one in the house growing up. Brings back memories. Thanks for sharing.

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