Posted 8 years ago
(948 items)
Victorian Peloton glass epergne base. Made from 2 layers of cased glass, clear over opalescent white with applied Peloton threads in pink, yellow, white & blue. Not sure if it is Bohemian or English. And if anyone has the missing trumpet to fit it, I'd be eternally grateful!
A great piece to save!
It must have been amazing with the trumpet.
A great piece to save!
It must have been amazing with the trumpet.
Thanks, scottvez! I am not averse to buying items that are missing parts, as there is always the chance that they might turn up someday. It can often work out cheaper to buy the odd parts of things like epergnes or fairy lamps & piece them together gradually - for instance I was able to put together a 3 piece Webb Burmese fairy lamp from spare parts found over a few years. Obviously patience & perserverance is required too! :-)
Beautiful!.. Merry Christmas IronLace...:-)
Good luck with the trumpet-- there is probably one out there waiting on you!
Many thanks Inky!
And the matching trumpet is on my glass bucket list for sure, Scott!
Just to be sure.....are there any markings on the brass fitting?
Great find!
Hi IMASapp,
I can't see any markings on you think it may be a fairy lamp part?
Very possible. The screw fitting leads me in that direction. Let me poke around my files to see what I can come up with.
I will await your research with interest! I found this on Australian eBay. The size is comparable with a typical epergne base - I have a 3 trumpet epergne that has a base of similar diameter.
I may be way off base (no pun intended) thinking this may be a fairy lamp base. However, the glass type and the fitting at the top of the column led me in that direction. There are several examples of fairy lamp epergnes and sociables that have similar bases and fairy lamps have been made in peloton type glass, albeit rare. However, in reviewing my files, I was unable to find any examples that would make a convincing argument. If, however, this is a fairy lamp base, the fitting would accommodate another brass fitting with rings that would hold three or more fairy lamps and perhaps a few posey holders. But, that is simply conjecture on my part. All that said, it is an intriguing base. I would not part with it until you learn more about it.
It would certainly look spectacular with multiple fairy lamps & vases. It's definitely a keeper for me because I have a special interest in peloton glass. I would love to find a peloton fairy lamp...I realise how rare they are, so it won't be easy. In general, fairy lamps are very hard to find in Australia. I have been lucky to find some bases & domes but they need more parts to make them complete.