Posted 8 years ago
(1007 items)
This postcard displays the sentiments of Ralph toward Alice re: Christmas.
No matter what our lot in life may be, there's always something to be thankful for, and my CW friends are one of those things!
A Merry christmas and a Happy New Year to all!
Thank you, Sean...I appreciate your friendship and good wishes!
Hi, Bonnie....thanks for the love of this cool pc!
Merry Christmas Ted!!!! Hope you have a 2017 filled with fantastic finds!!!!
To a true Honeymooner, I wish you, Bobby a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, also!!!!
Thank you, jscott...the feeling is mutual! We'll share the treasures that we will find in 2017 through Collectors' Weekly!
Merry Christmas and a happy New year !!
Greetings, Radegunder...thank you for the love...Fröliche Wienachten!
Hi, Rose...thank you very much, and I wish the same for you!
OH Norton ....come on up here pal oh pal. Watched this as s kid.
A great thought for today! Merry Christmas Ted!
Thanks, Coke...I have the original 39 on DVDs, and watch them frequently :) Merry Christmas!!!!
Hi, bijou...thanks for your thoughtful comments, and for your Christmas greetings! Have a great Christmas!!!!!!
Hi, v-50...thanks for the love....Merry Christmas!!!!
Christmas greetings, ttom! Thanks for the love!!!!!!
Hi, Tassie Devil...thank you for the love! Merry Christmas!!!!!
Thank you, Thomas...have a great Christmas!!!!
Hi, Nicefice..thank you for the love, and a Merry Christmas to you!!!!
Thank you, Thomas...I hope that you a very happy Christmas season!
Hi, vintagelamp...thank you for the love, and I belatedly wish you a grand Christmas season!
Greetings, Radegunder...thanks for the love, and hope that your Christmas season was very happy for you!
They play the old episodes every Sunday in the Atlanta on ME TV. I always get a kick out of watching them. Pow !!right in the kisser. As a kid my mother never liked the show. I can see her point but Ralph would never do such a thing. We had a cat I tried to name it Ralph and my wife said no. Got a dog still no. Oh well !!!
Hi, Coke...thanks for the love, and for the interesting comments. 60+ years later, and The Honeymooners are still going strong!
I get ME TV as part of my Bronze Packet with Cox, It was the most thrifty bundle they offered, and I get all the old programs I loved on different channels. Murder She Wrote, Columbo, Quincy, Simon & Simon, ,Quantum Leap,Rockford.Many of the old Westerns, Baywatch--all of em!
I still roar with laughter over Ralph and Alice--and when Norton gets on and interacts. I just "lose it"!
Hi, PostCardCollector....thanks for your love of this card, and also for your thoughts on the virtues of MeTV! And, as you do, I never tire of the antics of The Honeymooners!
Greetings, Padit and MacDaddyRico.....I appreciate your love of this vintage Honeymooners card! Thank you both very much!!!!
Can't wait till Sunday to watch another episode. These shows are outstanding just like Norton calls Ralphie boy because of his weight. Outstanding in a crowd !