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Beautiful 1905 Solid Bronze Plaque of a Native American Indian Given as a Prize to the Top N.C.R. Salesman!

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (40 items)

    Once again I find myself unable to resist buying something that falls outside of my "normal" area of collecting! This time it is a very large (a full 9 inches in diameter) and beautifully cast bronze plaque depicting a Native American Indian. It's clearly dated June, 1905 (both at the top center, and at the bottom where it reads: "copyright 1905 by the National Cash Register Company").
    The artist's name ("Schutte") is also inscribed in the bronze (right under the last two feathers at bottom left).
    A bit of online research revealed that this was given as a prize to the company's top salesman of the year. There are several fakes & forgeries out there, but they can clearly be identified by the substandard casting and total lack of exquisite detail seen on this 112 year-old original. This one even has its original built-in "stand" on the back.

    Thanks for looking!


    1. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 8 years ago
      this is incredibly beautiful!
    2. Hyp-storian, 8 years ago
      Thanks ho2cultcha- that's exactly why I was unable to resist buying it- even though, aside from its age, it's not really Art Nouveau or Art Deco related. But this is such a powerful image, and so beautifully executed and cast, that I simply "had" to have it...
    3. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 8 years ago
      I agree with ho2, hard to resist a beaute like this !
    4. Hyp-storian, 8 years ago
      Thanks Phil- I guess most, if not all, serious collectors have the same "problem" when it comes to being unable to resist certain items that have nothing to do with what we actually collect...
      ; - )
    5. Signaholic Signaholic, 8 years ago
      I love American Indian kitch. Wish I had one!
    6. scottvez scottvez, 8 years ago
      The casting really shows top quality-- a real work of art!

    7. Hyp-storian, 8 years ago

      This ORIGINAL 1905 plaque, from its intricate and finely detailed design to the highest quality casting and warm patina, isn't exactly "kitch", but the fakes and forgeries out there most certainly are (yikes). Such as the one pictures here (note the total lack of detail...!)

      There's also a brand NEW replica that's not "too" shabby, but note the similar lack of detail in the headband and the base of the feathers- which are apparently impossible to duplicate using the "lost wax" method. Nor are the feathers themselves nearly as finely done as the original. And that for $650?!
    8. Hyp-storian, 8 years ago
      Thanks Scott- I couldn't agree more!
    9. welzebub welzebub, 8 years ago
      Great piece. I would have snapped it up immediately if I had seen it....
    10. Hyp-storian, 8 years ago
      Thanks welzebub, and I'm glad you DIDN'T see it before me!
      ; - )
    11. Ultragator Ultragator, 8 years ago
      Wounderful piece of American History !
    12. Hyp-storian, 8 years ago
      Thanks Ultragator- I feel the same way!
    13. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 8 years ago
      Very nice piece Hyp-storian, I always find myself explaining to my wife, Why I had to buy it! I win most the time, but! :^) Sometimes the price I have to pay is more than $$$. LOL
    14. Hyp-storian, 8 years ago
      Same here billretirecoll- I do believe we (collector guys) are all in the same boat...!!
      For any women/wives reading my horribly insensitive comment: "I was just kidding dear!"
    15. billretirecoll billretirecoll, 8 years ago
      I'm just posting a plaque I bought just over a month ago. It's smaller so easier to hide. }:^) but something I couldn't pass up!
    16. Hyp-storian, 8 years ago
      Yes indeed, smaller is safer...; - )

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