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An exciting Harrach Vase

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bohemianglas…'s loves455 of 1249Loetz Titania Genre 4212QUEZAL ART GLASS VASE CIRCA 1914
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (87 items)

    This large Harrach vase stands impressive 40x15 cm. It is executed by using the special Harrach 'Malachit' glass and is divided into 'Gothic' windows by six gilded archs, that are themselves accentuated by centered lines of applied glass perls. A simplified sketch of this vase is known from one of the earliest Harrach pattern books 'PN 618 in AH 288 Vasen' 1860. This vase was shown at the great London exhibition in 1862, as could be seen from photo 4 showing a detail of an illustration in the 'London News' 1862, page 670. The last two photos - including comment - are taken from the excellent monograph 'From Neuwelt to the whole World', Ed. Jan Mergl 2012, and more details may be found there on pages 192-197.

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    1. welzebub welzebub, 8 years ago
      Fabulous Find!!
    2. MALKEY MALKEY, 8 years ago
      Stunning piece the glass is fantastic & the metal work simply gorgeous plus history
      thanks for sharing kairomalte
    3. kairomalte, 8 years ago
      Craig and Malkey thank you for your kind comments, I would like to add, that what looks like a 'metal work' is actually totally made of glass !
    4. MALKEY MALKEY, 8 years ago
      yes i see now being all glass just adds to its kudos
    5. philmac51 philmac51, 8 years ago
      This is absolutely stunning Kai!!!
    6. Wow22, 8 years ago
      I just love seeing original pieces with surviving documentation. Thank you!
    7. vetraio50 vetraio50, 8 years ago
    8. inky inky, 8 years ago
      Oh!!!!!!!...what an exciting find, so beautiful, well done!...:-)
    9. bohemianglassandmore bohemianglassandmore, 8 years ago
      Stupendous find, Kai! I love it for several reasons, least of which is that it is so well documented and gives us a definitive view of what Harrach malachit looks like.
    10. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 8 years ago
      Just gorgeous - and in perfect condition! Thanks so much for sharing this beauty!
    11. LoetzDance LoetzDance, 8 years ago
      A beautiful vase and a rare and wonderful find. Great research too. Your early Bohemian glass collection is really growing.
    12. IanBrighton IanBrighton, 8 years ago
      What great information to go with a stunning piece!
    13. ozmarty ozmarty, 8 years ago
      What a great find .. very jealous : )
      Happy New Year to you and yours .. it looks like it is going to be a good one for you ..Marty
    14. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 8 years ago
      Amazing vase! You have a great collection of most unusual and beautiful glass. To have the pictures and documentation to go with this, is the perfect 'complete package'

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