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    Posted 8 years ago

    (915 items)

    Good Evening CW Friends Collector----11:00PM)2016-12-29
    Yesterday at value Village, i found another very interesting piece of jewellery, a Siam Niello Bracelet depicting dancing figures, alway's nice to learn something new, specially when you start a new passion, no difference with this piece, as i discover they are very collectable and they could be found in many enamel colour, the more common was Niello( black)

    Niello is more like an amalgam/ metal alloy than a true enamel, usually being a mixture of silver, copper, lead and sulfur. The term ‘niello’ has Latin origins (developing from the words nigellus, Latin for black).

    What is the story behind Siam Silver jewellery?

    The main characters you will see in Siam Silver jewellery are Mekkala, The Goddess of Lightening, and Ramasoon, the Thunder God. I read on a Thailand holiday forum, that they are from a mythological tale told to many Thailand children about the origins of thunder and lightening (and not from the Ramayana, as is sometimes suggested):

    Ramasoon fell in love with the beautiful Mekkala, but she didn’t love him back. In a jealous rage, he threw his axe at her so he could injure and capture her, but Mekkala was able to defend herself with her famous magical crystal ball. As the axe struck this ball, it created a massive flash of light. This was the first ever lightening. Defeated, Ramasoon created darkness and rain so he could retreat undercover. He still waits for Mekkala to this day. When he sees her, Ramasoon once again throws his axe to injure and capture her, though is always thwarted by the crystal ball that defends Mekkala and flashes brightly as the axe hits it.

    Figures depicted on this bracelet are :

    Mekkala, Goddess of Lightening.

    Thepanom, a Thailand Guardian Angel deity

    Elephant, the God Indra riding Erawen

    Ramasoon, the God of Thunder

    Matcha, the Mermaid Queen

    Mark on the claps"Alpha Siam Sterling"

    This bracelet is 7 inch long by.75 inch.

    Many Thanks Everyone for Viewing.

    --------An introduction to Siam Silver jewellery – what exactly is it?----------

    If you’ve ever come across big black enameled jewellery depicting dancing figures, then it might be a piece of Siam Silver jewellery. These stunning creations were hand made in Siam (now called Thailand), and the figures, buildings or animals created in the jewellery usually depict characters and scenes from Buddhist and Hindu tales and religious text. The country of Siam changed its name to Thailand in 1939, changing it back to Siam in 1945, and then was finally renamed Thailand in 1949. The above photo shows a typical “Mekkalah, Goddess of Lightening” Siam Silver vintage niello brooch. Jewellery is usually stamped ‘Made in Siam‘ on the back, though later pieces were could be stamped either ‘Siam’ and ‘Thailand’.

    Most Siam jewellery you find is made from some grade of silver (often 925 sterling), with black ‘enamel ‘ style detail. The black and silver jewellery is called Siam Silver nielloware, after the black enamel style technique called niello used in its creation. Occasionally you may see fabulous coloured Siam Silver, with green, blue, red and white enameling instead of black niellowork.

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    1. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      Very nice!
      Some more info:
    2. antiquerose antiquerose, 8 years ago
      ~ HAPPY NEW YEAR 2017 ~ All the best to you and your family !!
    3. Alan2310 Alan2310, 8 years ago
      Efesgirl, so sorry, Hey, never to late.
      Many thanks for the additional info, i know more on the Siam jewelry.
      I want to say Thank you to be such a great member on CW, and on your constant effort to help as much as you can, like Kevin you are an asset to CW.
      I wish 2017 fill with Love, Prosperity, Joy and Health.
      Thanks, to be here.

    4. Alan2310 Alan2310, 8 years ago
      antiquerose, overdue, many thanks for the wish, same as well for you and yours.
      Wish 2017 fill with, Love, Prosperity, Joy and Health.

    5. Karenoke Karenoke, 8 years ago
      Very nice!
      I also have a bracelet depicting at least some of the same characters as yours. But with all the insight you've included in this post I'm gonna have to find it and see just what marks are on it. I think it's broke though. But I will post when I locate it.
      Thanks so much for all the history.
      And I so agree, Efesgirl does hold and share a wealth of knowledge. I too appreciate that. Happy new year!
    6. Alan2310 Alan2310, 8 years ago
      OVERDUE, Karenoke, Many thanks for the wish, same as well for you and your.
      Many thanks for the comments and the love, much appreciated that you take some of your time to stop by.

      Please do when you found it.

    7. Bluespike, 6 years ago
      Hi. I have one of these bracelets in the black neilloware designs of 12 dancers. Is this of any value?
    8. DaisyGirl, 5 years ago
      Hi, there!
      Late comment on an older post, but here I go..

      I stumbled upon this page while trying to get information on a piece my mother has, from my great grandparents. I actually believe it to be identical to yours! Mine however, is missing a few of the pieces to complete the bracelet...

      I was wondering if you or anyone here would know where I could start looking for the missing links? Or if I'd even have good chances.. So far my own searches have had no luck...I'd just like to do this for my mom as it's pretty much the only thing she was able to keep and it means a lot to her.

      ANY help/pointers would be extremely appreciated!! :)

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