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An artistically enamelled Harrach Vase

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (87 items)

    This exceptional Harrach vase was made in the 'Waning Rococo Revival' period about 1850-60. The clear crystal glass, covered by white opal stannic oxide containing overlay, is cut by eight planes beginning at the neck and ending into small arches and thereby giving rise to four gothic gilded windows ready for carefully painting. In the 1860's, there was a high interest in exotic plants and animals of far away countries, at this time the Vienna museum of natural history was reopened in a modern building. The painters relied on coloured scientific published lithographs, some of which are still kept the the Harrachov Museum, and copied them masterfully. This artistery was merely never met again on painting glass. To my opinion, this vase was décorated vividly by Wilhelm Hofmann refinerie at Prague or Vienna. My photos show two detailed parrots, which might easily be identified by some expert ornithologues, one 'Goliath' bug and an impressive spider, unknown to me. The vase stands 26x12 cm and the painted windows are 11x8 cm, therefrom you may imagine the very minute painting of the flowers and animals.

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    1. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      Bugs, bugs, BUUUGS! ;-)

      Really gorgeous!
    2. philmac51 philmac51, 8 years ago
      Stunning!! - Luscious!! - Gorgeous!!
    3. racer4four racer4four, 8 years ago
    4. kairomalte, 8 years ago
      kyratango, philmac51 and racer4four
      thank you for your Kind comments,

      I would be interested into the exact scientific namings of the two parrots and the spider, can anyone help ?
    5. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 8 years ago
      Terrific post, Kai. I always learn so much from you - thank you for all the detailed information you give about your vases. I always enjoy reading your posts, and the glass education is terrific!
    6. MALKEY MALKEY, 8 years ago
      The decor is just absolutely fabulous a joy to view Kai
    7. LoetzDance LoetzDance, 8 years ago
      Another super nice early piece of Bohemian art glass. The photos together with the fantastic historical information about this Harrach vase was made this not only nice piece to look at but also very interesting. Thanks for sharing.
    8. SteveS SteveS, 8 years ago
      Hi Kai
      Do you know who did the illustrations initially ... does make a difference in interpreting them ... Gould / Audubon / Darwin all approached illustration a bit differently ...
      Best match I can make from the pics is Blue throated Conure and Blue fronted Amazon (although crest would be an add on) ...
    9. kairomalte, 8 years ago
      Hi Steve,

      sorry, I don't know who made the original illustrations, J.Mergl in 'From Neuwelt to ...' gives as some reference the lithographs by E.Tavenies, printed by Becquet, Paris, published by Ledot Aine and Gambert, Junin&Co Paris 1857; and some lithographs by A.Bouvier, published by Francois Delarue&Fils, Paris 1860. Thank you very much for your detictive works on identifying the parrots, I will try to find pictures of them to compare the painting with the living originals.
    10. kairomalte, 8 years ago
      An interesting idea, but there is no trace of any stopper usage and I think the neck and mouth are too wide, I think it was used as a vase.

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