Posted 15 years ago
(8 items)
I looked up the information on the painting of the two ladies playing instruments and it's called Morning Melody by R. Brownell McGrew. I know serveral copies were made, and sold during the 50's, of his painting but I think it is just beautiful. The other paintig I have no clue about. It says c.p. Ryndal and it's called Shady Nook. I couldn't find it anywhere but I just love the painting. If anyone as a clue.. please let me know!
I have the same picture, but only a print. It was given to me by my great aunt (who died in 2000 at the age of 92) and and is in a very old frame. I have no clue either!
i also have the same painting , i have no clue either
do you see all the faces in it too
I have the shady nook picture I just bought last week end.I was hoping someone else knew something!
I bought my C.P. Ryndal, Shady Nook print 2 years ago. I am a painter and I just love it. I haven't found any information about the Artist C.P. Ryndal. I really feel this is inspired by the "Group of Seven". They were a group of Canadian landscape painters, founded in 1920. Their main inspiration was the Canadian countryside, and resist the influences of painting styles coming from Europe and the United States. The Seven wanted to paint in a similar style, bold Expressionistic flourishes and brilliant coloring. The Group of Seven exhibited together only until 1931. Their style inspired many Artist, but mainly from Canada. I feel Ryndal could be Canadian. I will keep everyone informed if I find more.
Thought I would google a bunch of stuff to try again to find C.P. Ryndal. Okay he is not listed in any soldier dead or who came home alive from any Army in the US or Canada. The Group of Seven all worked at a large Canadian Print and Graphic Design Studio called Grip Ltp in Toronto. Grip Ltp hired many Applied Artisans and Illustrators. Because I think this persons work is so great and they must have done more then just one print, he or she must have used C.P. Ryndal instead of their real name. To tell you about 1945 if anyone is interested it was the end of WW2. April 30 1945 Hitler commits suicide, May 7th 1945 the Germans surrendered and the next day was V Day for Europe. The war was over! The clean up started and the war machine that seem to have taken over everyday lives was slowing down. Here is a piece of normal life in Shady Nook. Rosie the Riveter was heading home to welcome her Hubby back. Well here is an idea, what if C.P Ryndal was a single women hired as an artist to replace a male artist who was sent to war. That was happening all over North America and Europe. Once the males returned these Women returned to their homes. She could have gotten married and carried on with a different last name. Her family could have all her lovely Art for themselves. If you are out there, we are dyeing to see it!! Please share!!!
Wow! You found a lot! Thanks Beth!!!! I have all these wonderful treasure handed down to me from my Grandmother and I'm leaning so much!
Also thanks to everbody else who responed too!
i was wondering how much you paid for them 2 years ago. i just bought 2 at an estate auction and only paid $5 for both
Do you know if Elizabeth Cady Stanton did any paintings? I think I have one.
I think that I have the original frame. My grand father inherited from a millioners northamerican who lived in Cuba on 50´s. After they pass away the left the oleo to my grandpa. So... I need some clues to know it if I in fact have the original. Thanks for all.
I have a painting by C.P. Ryndal it is trees in the autumn I think a very nice painting.
This is breathtaking!
I have this painting or print could be both, I understand he used oil and witch hazel to give his work that freshly painted look. His name is C.P Ryndal, I have one of his painting and or prints. My brother is visiting from Germany and loves it, I'm thinking of surprising him with when he leaves in a few days, I can't seem to download it. If you want to see it send a email maybe it'll work then Sincerely T.J.H