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Lamps2864 of 8693Old lampFuneral home lamp
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (102 items)

    Hi y'all,
    I'm hoping someone knows if the switches are original to these lamps? It seems most every one I find has a key looking switch. And I'm guessing these are Fenton glass, due to the F on the switches, as I believe Federal glass would have a shield around the F ? And they are both missing their flutes...I think that's what they are called?
    And the last pic is my favorite find this week!
    Thanks for checking them out guys!...and gals of course.

    Mystery Solved
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    1. jscott0363 jscott0363, 8 years ago
      Awesome hobnail glass lamps!! I have a set from the 1950's that I really love.
    2. Lamplover78 Lamplover78, 8 years ago
      Love your lamps! These are definitely Fenton glass. . But most the time lamp makers would make lamps and then buy the glass separate from a different company. . Did you check the bottom for a signature? Im not sure what the F means. . As i have a old funeral home lamp with that same switch! And that lamp is very old! I'll post it tomorrow when there's more light for pictures.
    3. Lamplover78 Lamplover78, 8 years ago
      Also i have that same griffin fireplace screen! I think that's from the 70s.. i can't remember now. .
    4. Karenoke Karenoke, 8 years ago
      Thanks Jscott0363! I do love them but I have another set I love even
      So I'm not sure where I will put them, maybe guest room...not sure.

      And thank you Lamplover78!
      And no I haven't checked the bottom but will now that you've brought it to my attention. A good cleaning may reveal
      As for the griffin screen, when I spotted it in the thrift store, a man was looking and fiddling with it. He never did figure out how to open it, all the while I was holding my breath he'd walk away. And I pounced when he did. I think I got a bargain at 9.99 usd. I simply love this screen!

      Thanks for the love everyone!!
    5. Lamplover78 Lamplover78, 8 years ago
      Wow! I paid $60 for mine and have seen them for $100 to $250 or more! Lucky you!
    6. Karenoke Karenoke, 8 years ago
      Thank you Lamplover! I fell like I all but stole
      And the lamps were priced separately, one at 9.99 and the other 6.99 but I got them to match the lower price. But these lamps are very common and I prefer the brass key looking switch...but still don't regret the purchase. Thanks for the love!
      I see you have many amazing lamps, chandeliers and everything in between....I'm jealous!
    7. Lamplover78 Lamplover78, 8 years ago
      Hence the name lamp lover lol..i have a thing for lamps.. im actually Stephanie .. i signed up here looking for a lamp. I never got the lamp and have since been looking for anything similar and kick myself for letting my lamp get away lol.. but really love this site so far and all the nice people! And your lamps you bought are still a very nice find! Even better that you have the pair! and definitely worth more than you paid! Would love to see your other lamps!
    8. TallCakes TallCakes, 8 years ago
      an "F" on the electric parts really has nothing to do with the glass maker being Fenton or anyone else. These look like fairly generic hobnail milk glass lamps c1950s-60s or so. You can look at some of Fenton's lamps in their old catalogs at
    9. SpiritBear, 8 years ago
      I agree with TallCakes, but move the date to 1960s to 1970s based on what I see of the plug.
      The 'old style' lamps were revived with strong popularity in the 1950s.
    10. Karenoke Karenoke, 8 years ago
      Oh wow, thanks for all the great comments!
      I too thought the plugs weren't as old as the lamps appear to be.
      And Stephanie, I also love lamps! And it all started from moving into a "New to me" home that the prior owners had made some great upgrades but left all the builders fight fixtures. I'm slowly changing that. And all the switch covers as well. I donated a couple of really cool lights to a fund raiser for a friend with cancer, but I have photos I'll have to share when I find them:))
    11. Karenoke Karenoke, 8 years ago
      I forgot to mention, I only purchased them because they were a pair. I left them, got down the road and went

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