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1681 (Yes, you read that right) Magazine Against the Pope (Radical Tabloid)

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (813 items)

    This magazine is dis-bound from a collection of them published likely at the end of the year (to hold the year's worth) of Advice from Rome, or a History of Popery, in the year 1681.

    Other pages above.

    There is two parts to this document, the main part and then something called the Courant, which I will post in a few days as I view it as separate.

    The magazine is quite a fascinating read, in certain areas. It starts out calling the Pope Antichrist, not The Antichrist, but more likely against Christ. We also get into Pope-knapping and the King being poisoned during Mass.
    Read it for yourself. The magazine and its additional Courant took me four hours type out. I will leave out the shorter Courant for now, which is even more interesting, in my opinion, as it mentions several Christian groups and genocide.

    Historical note: The word "Germany" goes back to 1520. I have attempted to maintain spelling and grammar as closely as possible.
    Typed 1681 paper:

    The Weekly Pacquet of Advice from Rome: Or, The History of Popery

    The Third Volume

    Friday, Aug. 19, 1681.

    Del' empia Babylonia, Ond' e` fugitta
    Ogni Vergogna, Ond' Ogni bene e` fuori
    Albergo di dolor, madre d' errori
    Son fugitt' io per allongar La Vitta
    Petrarch Soneti. 92.

    The Story of Pope Benedict the 11th. And Clemens the 5th. The Papal See removed from Rome to Avignion in France. The Emperor Henry poysoned with the Consecrated Host or Sacrament.

    We have bestowed our five last sheets ( we hope not altogether unprofitably ) in proving the Pope to be Antichrist, and answering the Roman Cavils to the Contrary. 'Tis now time to return to our Historical Task, which the observing Reader will remember, we left No. 57. at the Death of that Hellish Monster Pope Boniface, the 8th. in the year 1303.
    So that we are now Entered into the 14th. Age wherein Learning began to revive in the Western parts ; for several Learned Grecians not able to Endure the Out-Rages, and Cruelties of the Turks in their own Country, left those Parts, and Coming for Shelter into Italy, did spread the Study of the Tongues, and advanced the knowledg of Letters.Of which number were Emanuel Chrysoloras, of Constantinople, Theodorus Gaza, of Thessalonica, Georgius Trapezuntius, Cardinal Bessarion and others: whereas before, the General Ignorance was so great, that if any Authors there happened any Greek word or Sentence, the Monks in Transcribing, used to leave a Blanck, and Cry Grecum est non potest Legi. 'Tis Greek and cannot be Read. And that Judicious Chronologer Mr. Isaacson , observes that in the beginning of this Age, viz. About the year 1313 The Hebrew Tongue was first taught in Oxford. And though the Popes, and most of the Clergy endeavoured to blast this Bloom of useful Knowledge , ( For Gracas nosse Litter as suspectum erat, Habraicus plane Hareticum. To understand Greek, rendered a Man suspected, but if he Studied the Hebrew too , it was plainly Heretical ) yet it every day, though by small and slow degrees encreased in the World , and was Eminent in Wickliff. who lived in this Age, and gave the first Dawn of Reformation in the Church, as we shall more fully shew in its proper Place. But at present, we must Ressume our History of Popes.
    After Boniface the 8th. Succeeded Benedict the 11th. A Dominican or Preacher Fryer, who is Celebrated as a Saint, and so, if he were but tolerably wicked, he might well be Counted in Comparison of his horrible Predecessor. For whom though he had no great Kindness, yet to keep up a Reverence to the Papal Dignity : He was no sooner Elected, but he Excommunicated Nogarete and Sciarra, ( who we told you heretofore, seized on the first said Pope Boniface, at Aragnia, and Carried him to Rome, where for Vexation he Died ) and involved all that assisted them in that Exp'oit of Pope Knapping, in that same Curse. But he restored the two Colanna's , whom Boniface had degraded, to their place of Cardinals , only causing them to forbear the wearing of their Red Hats for a short time. He likewise absolutely released King Philip of all Censures , and restored him to all those Priviledges that Boniface had taken from him. But this Pope was too good to live long, or rather some of his court were too bad, as to shorten his Life ; for before he had Reigned Nine Months, he Died at Perusium, being destroyed as many Write with a poysoned Fig. But to make him him amends, they gave out that he was a Saint, and that he did abundance of Miracles after his Death. Healing the Sick, and casting Devils out of People possest, and twenty other Feats, that he was No-Body at, as long as he was alive.
    For above 10 Months after, the Cardinals could not agree upon a Successor, though the People of Perusium frequently thundered at the Conclave with Threats to oblige them to Conclude, which at last they did, pitching upon the Bishop of Burdeaux in France, who was then absent, but hearing the News of his Election, took upon him the name of Clement the 5th. and sent for all the Cardinals to attend him at Lions. Where resolving to Transfer the Papal Seat from Italy into France, he made choice of the City of Avignion for that purpose, with which the Cardinals were so well pleased that it continued there for 74 years.
    As for the reasons that induced this Pope to this change of Residence, some think that being a French Man he did it to honour his Country, others suppose that having observ'd that his Predecessors were often curb'd at Rome, either by Authority of the Emperors, or the powers of the Senators and Nobility, and sometimes forc'd to fly; whereas in several Voyages into France, they had met with a more debonair Conversation, and had greater Reverence paid them, Their Villany not being there as yet so fully discovered; therefore he thought best to fix there, as hoping to injoy his sensual Delights , with more Liberty, and carry on his Designs with less opposition, than at Rome : 'Tis certain, rhis Pope is Branded by several Writers of that Age, for Ambition, Covetousness, and Debauchery, and that he kept a Concubine publickly at Avignion, who was Daughter of the Count de Foix. And the French to this day complain that the Roman Court being so long amongst them left not only a troublesome Issue, of knavish Quirks, and tedious Punctilio's, and chargeable delays in their Pleadings and the Proceedings of their Courts of Justice, but also brought them acquainted with many lew'd Vices, so that they could scarce ever afterwards be Repurged of those Corruptions.
    Observable it is that during this Translation of above 70 Years, there was no noise that Rome was Peters Seat, or that the Holy Ghost had his residence, but Avignion was counted altogether as good, whereas at other times they magnify Rome, and seeem to fixe Infallibility to that very place as furnish't there therewith by Peters having been Bishop there, and therefore refer the Universal Church thither, and talk as if the Chair of Government were Immutably placed there.
    At the Coronation of this Pope, King Phillip of France and his Brother Charles Dukes of Brittain were present, and such a Multitude of Spectators thronging, that in the Cavalcade, a Wall suddenly falling down, many were crusht to Death, Duke Charles Mortally Wounded, and the King hurt, and the Pope himself overthrown, that his Mitre struck from his Head, out of which was thereby lost a Carbuncle ( or Jewel ) of the value of 6000. Crowns, a great deal of money in those days. To oblige the French the more to his interest, he created several Cardinals of that Nation; but none of Italy, only he sent three Cardinals to reside as Governors at Rome, Conferring upon them the Dignity of Senators of that City.
    The Emperor Ibertus being Treacherously Slain in the Year 1308. The Electors chose Henry the Son of the Count Lutzemburgh, Emperor. Being the 7th. of that Name ; who sending to Pope Clement, That His Coronation might be Celebrated at Rome, the Pope granted it on the condition that within two Years he should pass with an Army into Italy. But before the time appointed he marcht into Italy, was joyfully receiv'd, and by the 3 Cardinals Crown'd at Rome; Whereupon the Pope being much offended, forwith enacted this Law.--- That the Elected Kings of the Romans in Germany, could not be held or taken for absolute Emperors before they received this Tythe and Investiture from the Popes own hands ; and moreover, That during every Inter-regnum, or Vacancy of that Dignity, The Pope for the time being should Rule and Command over all the Cities and Precincts of the Empire. See Henry Sterons Annals sub Ann. 1313. and Collenucius L. 5.
    How far this Controversy might have proceeded had the Emperour Liv'd we know not, but shortly after, he marching toward Sienna and Besieging Bonconvento by the way, was there poisoned, whereof he Dyed, which some Authors say was done not with Instigation of Pope Legate, but all agree that the Poison was given him by one Bernard a Jacobine ( Dominican Monk ) who was his Confessor, in the Consecrated Host, whence arose that Proverbial Dystick,
    Jure dolet Mundus, quot Jacobita secundus
    Judas muat extat ; Mors Cesaris hac manifestat.

    The world amaz'd to see a Monk become
    A second Judas, mourns great Caessars Doom

    Was every Execrable Wickedness exalted to an higher Degree? That a miscreant should Commit Murder with the most Sacred mysteries of Religion, and Emprison his God ( according their Conceit of Transubstantiation ) thereby to destroy his Lawful and Innocent Prince! A Process was framed again this Horrid Criminal by Henry Count Flonders and others of the Army, but he made his Escape, and some relate that the Dominican Priests in Commemoration of this Heinous Deed, were commanded afterwards to Communicate only with the left hand,--- But to return to Pope Clement.
    Antoninus tells us, that he was made Pope by the Procurement of Charles the French Kings Brother, on a Solemn Promise upon Oath to perform several things related particularly by that and other Authors ; amongst the rest one was that he should absolve all those that had Confederated against Boniface, and some overture there was about razing out the very Memorial of the said Boniface, excluding his Name out of the Catalogue of Popes, but this was reserved to be propounded in convenient time. In the Interim Anno. 1310. At Avignion King Phillip was by him publickly excused in what he had acted against Boniface, the Pope Pronounced that what he had done, was done out of a good Mind, Intention and Zeal. And at the same time Pope Clement absolv'd William de Negarete of the Sentence of Excommunication which had been laid upon him for surprising the said Pope; and added a further Clause of favour which the French boast of and keep very charily to this day, viz. That neither Kings nor Kingdom of France should be subject to any Excommunication or Interdict. --- A Priviledge might have stood the king in some stead in the late Controversed point of the Regale.
    About the end of the same Year was held the Council of Vienna, where King Phillip by his extraordinary Embassadors insisted with much importunity ( as we find in Walsingham's Chronicle ) That Boniface the late Pope should be proceeded against and Condemned as a Heretick, and his Bones taken up and Burnt. For which 3 of the Cardinals above all the rest, argued very vehemently, but at last a stronger Party prevail'd, and it was carried in the Negative. For there were present several Cardinals that had been Created by him, now if he were Convicted of Heresy, their Preferments would be void or in hazard ; Likewise the present Pope Clement consider'd, if so many of the Cardinals should be liable to question, his own Election to the Papacy wherein they had a Chief Hand, might seem doubtful, and therefore he Politickly over-rul'd the business ; else the Infallible Father had been Damn'd for a Heretick, and his Carckass made a Bonefire.
    In this Council likewise, the Numerous Renowned Order of Knights Templars was utterly abolish't. They being Condemned of Heresy and diverse other Odious Crimes charged against them, and thereupon being cruelly Burned in many places, Proscribed throughout all Europe, and spoiled of their Goods. Yet many Authors afford Testimonies of their Innocency, and are apt to suspect that their Riches was their greatest Crime, The Lucre of which stirred up both King Phillip and the Pope, to proceed thus vigorously against them, that they might seize and Divide their Possessions amongst themselves, which for the most part they did, though the Pope pretended to transfer the fame to the Knights of Jerusalem, Further more in this Council the Pope confirm'd and publisht for Law, a new Volume of Decrees from his Name, Intituled, The Clementines, making up to this day a considerable part of the Body of the Canon-Law.

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    1. vetraio50 vetraio50, 8 years ago
      Care, Henry, 1646-1688.
    2. Gruff Gruff, 8 years ago
      Crazy stuff going on back then
    3. SpiritBear, 8 years ago
      Vetraio, interesting. He fell out wit the publisher in 1682, and his pacquets were reprinted in the 1730s. Thank you.

      Gruff, it's all still crazy today.

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