Posted 8 years ago
(321 items)
I have been looking for this colorful sign that was in good shape for quite some time. My grt, grt grandfather was the Founder and President of the Fairmount Creamery Co from 1884 to 1897 when he passed away. It is a one sided porcelain sign that measures 36" x 12"
It's always so nice to read about being able to connect with one's family past. The colors and lettering are in great condition. I'm sure you have a special place for your treasure!!
roddyq ,Thank you for your very nice comment.
Thank you for your love, bobby725, officialfuel
That is a nice piece of family history!
How wonderful you found such a beautiful one in bright colors still and that it is part of your family history makes it extra special !
Edgar F. Howe was my grandmother's father. I love this history!
Murdock, Nice to hear there still relative out there from Fairmont Creamery Company. My grt, grt grandfather was Wallace Wheeler. His wife became Vice
President after Wallace passed away in 1897. That was unheard of in those days.