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Studio Art Pottery374 of 1190LOUIS SIGNED STONEWARE VASE -METAL UNDER THE GLAZE???Studio Pottery Bowls - signed
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (102 items)

    This little creamer? Vase? Is 4 1/2" h. X 4 1/2" from tip of spout across.
    Has a very pretty raised motif, and is only glazed from the motif up and inside. I pictured the mark in what I believe to be rightside up and what I think is upside down, as I can never be sure.
    But I'd love to hear you all's thoughts on this dish. Is it old, new? And any other thoughts you may have. Thanks all!

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    1. staggerlee staggerlee, 8 years ago
      Kind of looks like Frankoma pottery, but I think most all of the pottery was marked Frankoma on the bottom.
      You could contact with that mold # 3139
    2. Gillian, 8 years ago
      Believe this is a handmade creamer. Wish I knew the mark. Looks like MJ.
    3. Karenoke Karenoke, 8 years ago
      Thanks Staggerlee!
      I'm gonna try and look it up. I will post back if I find anything to tell.
      Thanks for your help, much appreciated!
    4. Karenoke Karenoke, 8 years ago
      Gillian, I wish I was sure as well. It does look like MJ to me also.
      Thanks for looking!

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