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Hand Painted Turkish Bone Bottle w/Stopper Flea Market Find 2,50 Euro ($2.68)

Karenoke's loves953 of 1341585 (14K) White Gold, Pearl & "Diamond" Brooch Flea Market Find 1 Euro ($1.07)1950s Faux Tortoise Shell Jewelry Box Thrift Shop Find 1 Euro ($1.08)
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1017 items)

    This has no age to it, but I liked the artwork and it was cheap. The painting is continuous all the way around the bottle. What's interesting is that it is put together in panels.

    THANK U to kyra/Pascale for solving my location problem!

    Thanks to everyone who came by for a gander.

    Mystery Solved


    1. Caperkid, 8 years ago
      Really detailed. Great score Bonnie.
    2. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      Venice isn't it?
    3. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      PCC - it could be. I haven't a clue as I don't recognize the buildings.
    4. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 8 years ago
      That is really nice and a great deal!!
    5. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 8 years ago
      To me, the design on the stopper kind of looks Islamic or middle eastern, as do some of the buildings on back ???
    6. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      I was thinking a khol powder bottle, with this kind of stick applicator.

      Isn't it turkish, Pic#2 looks like Saint Sophie view? I know you lived in Turkey :-)
    7. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
    8. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      And Galata tower in pic#1?
    9. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
    10. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      Pascale - LMAO! I should have known it was TURKISH. I lived there for three years but don't remember seeing any of these in my neck of the woods.
    11. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      I looked at the prices of some of these bone bottles.....a fair bit more than what I paid for it!!!! Geepers......
    12. kyratango kyratango, 8 years ago
      Lol, AGAIN... BARGAIN ;-))))
    13. PostCardCollector PostCardCollector, 8 years ago
      It does look like maybe Krakow,Poland as well as Venice.
    14. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      PCC - it's none of those places. I googled the item after finding out it is actually Turkish.
    15. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 8 years ago
    16. Rick55 Rick55, 8 years ago
      This is such a cool piece Bonnie, and what really impresses me, is that it was made out of bone!

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