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Help identify markings on Vase Made in Italy

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European Art Pottery660 of 2162Belgium Faiencerie ? with Crystalline GlazeVase marked Pastiche by Saxony - jasperware
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1 item)

    We are cleaning out my grandmother's house and this vase was wrapped up in a corner. The vase is very ornate and the pictures really do it no justice. It used to sit on a pedestal. (See the very grainy picture from many years ago.)

    I don't have exact measurements but it stands about 3.5 to 4ft tall.

    Can anyone help identify the markings on the bottom?


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    1. maryh1956 maryh1956, 8 years ago
      Possibly Mollica of Naples, 19th C ,but I think you need to research more .and post a close up photo of just the base
    2. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      A bit more info:

      From the moderator of the Italian Pottery Forum:

      "The Mollica family used the symbol of a Coronet over letter "M" only in the late 19th and early 20th century, roughly 1880 to 1910."
    3. Efesgirl Efesgirl, 8 years ago
      OOPS! I meant to put up this link, not the one above - this is the link where I found the info:
    4. Twebs Twebs, 8 years ago
      Thanks everyone for responding so far!

      In my initial research I thought it might be Capodimonte Porcelain, but everything I've found so far says that is typically marked with an "N" with a crown over it.

      I'm not quite sure that is a crown over the "M". I thought it looked like a number "106" but the lines under it are curious.

      I will try to post a better close up of it.
    5. Twebs Twebs, 8 years ago
      I posted a zoom in of the markings. I will try to get a clearer picture later if possible. (It's no small feat trying to tilt this huge vase over to see the bottom without breaking something!)
    6. maryh1956 maryh1956, 8 years ago
      There is a Mollica mark from the mid 19th century similar to yours, and I believe yours looks like it would be of that high quality. As the marks were written on , there are variations. I found the mark on marks4antiques, of which I am a member, but you can’t copy from there, however I founs a Russian version, so you should be able to view it, page 13 of the “M” category
      I would recommend you have a local museum, which has a ceramic specialist, check it out, but take photos first

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