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Hard to part with your Dad's first car....1929 Model A Ford Coupe

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (871 items)

    Pictured here is the first car ever owned by my Dad, a 1929 model A Ford coupe. He drove this car during his late teen years through early twenties. When he went to the Air Force during World War 2, family relatives had use of the car for transportation. The car was periodically fired up & driven throughout the mid 1960's.....since then it has been garage stored. Luckily the engine hasn't locked up & it still rolls when the tires are aired up.

    Like any collector, the hope is to restore it back to original running condition & appearance to preserve the family memories associated with the car. Until that happens, just the knowledge that it's "Dad's first car" is adequate satisfaction.

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    1. DaveSierra DaveSierra, 8 years ago
      Love the car and really love the story! Thanks for sharing both!
    2. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 8 years ago
      Great story , good luck on the restore...
    3. Celiene Celiene, 8 years ago
      I have a relative who collects and restores these. AND he's retooling a better engine for them. Check it here:

      See him & one of his cars here with his second wife, Nadia:

      Here is his first wife Nanci with another of his cars. They still live on the same property compound! (He's a really eccentric genius!)
    4. Trey Trey, 7 years ago
      It looks like it only needs a good wash job and air in the tires:)

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