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Blue Paper Covered Doll Trunk - Need Restoration Advice

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (53 items)

    Found this in a second had store last weekend. Cute doll trunk that is about 14 wide and 10 inches tall. It is dirty and some of the paper is off or coming off. The flash of the camera makes the blue look nice in person it shows dirty from years of neglect. Hinges were originally leather, they have rotted over the years so need to attach the top to the body of the trunk. It has a nice interior tray and wheels on the bottom. I love the ones with the wheels on the bottom, such a nice touch but completely unnecessary on these little ones. Overall very cute trunk that I want to try and keep original just clean up and do repairs rather than a full strip and refinish. Need advice on cleaning materials and what if anything I could treat the paper with. Appreciate advice on how to bring this one back.

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    1. greendog greendog, 8 years ago
      Hey KathyKay, first of all I love these little trunks, if it were me, I would glue all lose paper and edges with an Elmer's glue, cleaning paper is very tricky, on very old paper like this, you run the risk of removing the color, or the gold embossed looking lines, I guess if I were going to try and clean it, I would use a little Murphy's oil soap mixed with water and a soft terry type cloth or a very soft Tooth brush, try a small area on the back first, do not over wet the paper, use the mixture sparingly just enough to remove the grime. Remember this is just what I would do, maybe some will have a better suggestion, good luck, greendog.
    2. jscott0363 jscott0363, 8 years ago
      What a little beauty!! If it were mine I'd do exactly what greendog suggested. These are so difficult to come by in this condition and I really love the look of this little trunk.
    3. trunkman trunkman, 8 years ago
      What a beautiful little gem this one is! Great find....
    4. Drill Drill, 8 years ago
      The brass corners and buttons are my favorite part of this little blue keeper.
      They should shine up nice .
    5. KathyKay, 8 years ago
      Thanks for the advice. I will post pictures when I finish cleaning it up.
    6. myoldkyhome myoldkyhome, 8 years ago
      What a great little doll trunk!! It's unusual to find one with this much of the interior in tact. I can't wait to see it after you clean it up. I have several doll trunks but none as nice as this one.

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