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Murano Cenedese Opaline Bird

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (308 items)

    A Gino Cenedese Opaline bird with original label. It's a bird of a different design, green head and yellow eyes.

    5" Beak to Tail,
    3" Tall.

    Murano and Italian Art Glass
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    1. racer4four racer4four, 8 years ago
      Such a simple, effective design, beautifully made. Gorgeous, Dean!
    2. sklo42 sklo42, 8 years ago
      I love the styling.....a very elegant bird!
    3. Deano Deano, 8 years ago
      Thank you Racer, glad you like it.
    4. Deano Deano, 8 years ago
      Thank you Sklo42. It was one of those "gotta have it" things.
    5. Deano Deano, 8 years ago
      Kerry10456, Mrstyndall, Racer4four and Swfinluv1, thanks for the "Love it's".
    6. Deano Deano, 8 years ago
      Thank You Brunswick for the nice Tweet kindness. You da man.
    7. Deano Deano, 8 years ago
      Thank you Vetraio50, Mikelv85, Blunderbuss2 and TassieDevil for the great "Love it" clicks.
    8. Deano Deano, 8 years ago
      Beyemvey, Brunswick, Manikin and Aura, I appreciate the "Love it" clicks and thank you for them.
    9. Deano Deano, 8 years ago
      GeodeJem, Bijoucaillouvintage, Antiquerose and Shareurpassion, I thank you all for the "Love it" clicks.
    10. apostata apostata, 10 months ago
      well you could right but why is this cenedese

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