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Monumental Loetz Crete Chiné PN I-7302

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Bohemian Art Glass2418 of 6681Czech Art Deco Tango Glass VasesKralik"Knuckle" Pedestal Dish Vase, Circa 1930
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (210 items)

    Standing at a fraction under 16" tall! this is an imposing piece.
    I think there are bigger ones too, would love to know how big these get?

    Referred to by many as a 'propeller vase' for obvious reasons, it's a common Loetz shape and is seen in many decors, but Chiné is by far the commonest.

    It's lost some of it's gold paint on the rim and the base shows extraordinary wear, which is undoubtedly due to it's weight of 5.8lbs (2.7kg).

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    1. MALKEY MALKEY, 8 years ago
      Gorgeous piece phil love the texture & the twist first class
    2. philmac51 philmac51, 8 years ago
      Thanks Malkey!
    3. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 8 years ago
      I would never guessed it is so heavy
    4. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 8 years ago
      Phil, this IS a massive piece! Wow! And it is beautiful, too. Let me see if I can find it on my Loetz cd to see if they note sizes... :)
    5. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 8 years ago
      It only lists 7.5" and 9"...yours is off the charts! ;)
    6. philmac51 philmac51, 8 years ago
      Thanks Michelle - I got the PN from so I'm assuming that I was correct in the ID, as the one one the site has the same guilding. I have previously seen one listed on Ebay (about a year ago) at 18" tall, but maybe that was not measured correctly - who knows??? Everyone who sees my collection always comments on this particular piece.
    7. Michelleb007 Michelleb007, 8 years ago
      I bet they do, Phil! It is really a terrific piece! :)
    8. philmac51 philmac51, 8 years ago
      Thanks again Michelle - I always value your input :)

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