Posted 8 years ago
(902 items)
I got this picture from my parents. The name and date of Luigi Lucioni 1953 is in the bottom corner. I have found info about this artist online, but am curious to know what type of picture that this would be -print, etching etc. also I noticed some brown spots on the picture-is there a way to clean without damage?
Very beautiful but not a picture expert, best wishes for learning.
Thank you, Phil!! Yes, hope I can learn a bit about it.
Thank you czechglass5!!
Chromolithograph of an original piece of art. In some form, chromolithographs are still made today.
The browning is usually due to acidification. Remove and replace the matting and backing with an acid-free, or archival-quality, type.
Spiritbear, do you think this is from 1953 or was the original dated and this is just dated to copy the original?
Nicefice, that's awesome-glad you like the pic!
A copy made within a decade, I would think.
Spiritbear-thanks so much for all the info on this. Really appreciate it!!
A decade of the date on the original piece, I mean. LOL.
Thanks for clarifying :)