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Tonight's thrift store find

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apostata's loves37 of 653ORANGE LUSTRE MONKEY - MASARU SIGNED Framed Antique French Lithograph Print of Japanese Cloisonne Designs - Signed 1875
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (3 items)

    Lovely little dinged up 5" cloisonné vase with dragon and lots of mica or gold sparkles. From what I can find on line, appears it is Japanese (closed cell borders (small blue dots) at rim, curve and base; no enamal on base, dragon has three toes rather than five. May be Meiji period based on the online clues, making it mid to late 1800's. Pipe in if you have ideas, especially about the sparkles-- mica? No clear marks on bottom. Sweet and nice in the hand. $4 of handy treasure. Any comments?

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    1. Master Master, 8 years ago
      Really beautiful piece
    2. Janasvo Janasvo, 8 years ago
      Thank you both for the comments. Czechglass, I enjoyed researching it last night but there isn't a ton on line. Apparently there use to be a good site called idcloisonne that's now gone. Appreciate your help.
    3. Janasvo Janasvo, 8 years ago
      Amazing! I wish it was still up. There are just tiny bits and pieces now on the web, and mostly the hits are for items for sale, not actual information.
    4. Janasvo Janasvo, 8 years ago
      Can you tell me about the color of the border dots, or the little cloud shapes having more than one color? A lot I see just are the same as the background or just one solid color against a separate solid color. Is that a good sign or just sloppy enameling? (Can you tell I am fascinated?)

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