Posted 8 years ago
(222 items)
This is NOT a Gerdago Girl. It is Danseuse Des Indies by Ignacio Gallo and documented by The Hirsch Foundry in the book by Harold Berman called The Encyclopedia of Bronzes Sculptors and Founders, page 1173. These "assemblages" were cast in 99.997% pure zinc known as spelter but now known largely as "French Bronze."
This example is different from other examples in my collection in several significant ways. First the hands are white, usually they would be gold as the original patina. Another big variation is the hat which is incised on the sides normally but this example is smooth of those incisions. Also very unusual is the face is looking more at the viewer instead of slightly downwards and away, as in all my other examples.
The Hirsch foundry had special knowledge about the whereabouts of many moulds that were hidden just before WW2 by the original bankrupt founders, and after the war had them dug up and shipped to NYC. They used these moulds and began large production of some of them in 1946 and 1966, after a big show they held showing some of their new exciting discoveries.When they first went to Paris to dig up these valuable moulds, they may have not known that it would take them 20 years to find all of over 2000 parts and bring them back to the U.S. As of 1980 most had been put together and they still had several years to go to finish the whole Collection Francaise.
Those 2 dates are indicative of a large import business going on around the world, especially in Italy and North America where countless businesses had their beginnings is 1946 and later on in 1966 for new lamps especially. You usually find these examples in good condition since they were manufactured after the wars.
Very very nice, Phil!!
She is magnificent ! and what a great write up Phil ! I always learn something on your posts . Love love her xoxo
Very nice, Phil...
Thank you Mrstyndall for the nice comment.
Great girl, great information!
She fits so well in your collection, Phil!
I love the millefiori shade too, it must be totally amazing when lit :)
Just fabulous! How I would love to have her in my living room...
Smashing stylistic piece PhilD lovely !!!!!!!!
It's so nice to see your fabulous pieces coming back to CW. Don't you ever leave us again!
Love it!.. it's just wonderful!...:-)
Thanks Mani for the love and kindness !
Thanks Brunswick for the love and comment, right back at you !
Thank you Roycroft !
Wow this is lovely. Let me know if you ever have a garage sale !!!
Thank you pollyperkins, appreciated.
What a beauty, love those colors!!!
Fantastic post Phil, TY. The molds being hidden and buried during the war etc. I didn't know any of that. Very interesting stuff. The lamps a stunner too.
Thank you kyra, I love these lamps and yes they look great lit up, especially when you have 4 in a row lit up :)
HEY....................Is your Avatar now Cigar Smoking ? LOL
It was just hot before, but now it is smokin !!
LOL Rose, love to you, the full pic is on one of my beswick posts !~
The lamp shade is really something.
Thanks Roddy, the shades are always well bid on whenever they come up for sale.
Happy Easter Phil love the new profile picture.
Thanks Caperkid, most appreciated.
You share great, amazing items! With great amazing knowledge and prominence!
I enjoy learning from you.
And I've looked way back in the early days of this site and somewhat learned why you protect yourself and your belongings so well. And with that said. If I wanted to show a friend an item from your great collection, how can I do so? In a way you are ok with? And I promise you, my friends know I do not and likely never will own any item you own, they'd laugh their butts off if I claimed I
Love the new page pic, is it a photo or painting? But it still don't top the last page pic, it was really unique!
Regards, Karen
bijoucaillouvintage thank you for your kindness !
Thank you mcheconi for the nice words, you have been a blessing to me on this site.
Thank you Hoot60, the best to you !~
Thanks Karen, I always appreciate your kind words, I never know what this site will let me do or don't !~