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Moto-Master automotive products tin.

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1334 items)

    Moto-Master Tested- proven automotive products tin. Liquid radiator solder. Canadian tire corporation limited. Toronto, Canada. I think this is over 30 years old but I am not sure of the exact date.


    1. swampdogg swampdogg, 8 years ago
      never used that for a radiator & really didnt know about liquid solder till now but back in the day we used a can of black pepper seemed to work pretty good wonder if that liquid solder like J.B WELD lol
    2. ravage60 ravage60, 8 years ago
      That logo was used in the 1950's according to this site. Scroll to picture 11.
    3. charmsomeone charmsomeone, 8 years ago
      swampdogg the tin is still full. Will post some more tins.
    4. charmsomeone charmsomeone, 8 years ago
      ravage60 thank you for the info.

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