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Jade Adze from the beginning of time

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (8 items)

    This beauty was kicked right out of the ground on our hunting trail on our land. Looked like a regular rock for a second but the shape turned out to be this jade adze. I've ran into some big animals on this trail to where I thought this is it. I've hunted all my life so I'm experienced reading the land and other things as will. In the morning before the fog left of the tundra. I can see my anceister walking across following there hunting trail caring this bone or horn jade adze. At first some people were like put it back. The more I learned from the university and BLM the more they wanted to know. I've mapped a few old villages from the 1600 or more. My anciesters come from the Cheyenne tribe. I am Athabaskan.


    1. HusliaHusler HusliaHusler, 8 years ago
      Collecting is a rewarding hobby and to leave my legacy for my children when the man upstairs call my name.
    2. HusliaHusler HusliaHusler, 8 years ago
      I was looking at adze from other auctions. Thinking that I was going to find the same thing as this. Great gifts of polished stones if you ask me but if your a collector. Gotta have the original.
    3. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 6 years ago
      welcome to CW Huslia! this is a really great post. thanks for sharing your treasure with us.
    4. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 6 years ago
      We walked Stone in Hand
      Silent Flame, in the night Sky
      That the Beast in the dark
      Would not have it’s Way
      To avoid what we can’t see

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