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A REAL Post- Mortem photograph

In Photographs > Cartes-De-Visite > Show & Tell and Victorian Era > Show & Tell.
shareurpassion's loves1993 of 4681FLAPPERS, and VINTAGE car,touring car, trolley car,etc-JUST GOOD TIMES 1920s,)Original PhotosPottery burnished dark brown unsigned
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (977 items)

    Posted here is an actual NO DOUBT Post Mortem (PM) of an older man with a book (Bible?).

    Photograph is a carte de visite and can be dated from AUG 1864- JUL 1866 due to the revenue stamp on the back.
    Subject was photograhed by Styles in Burlington, VT.

    I see photographs identified as pm, with some regularity online and a large percentage of them depict LIVING people!

    Forget all you have read about "cadaver stands" and standing post- mortems. A POSING stand is NOT an indication of a post mortem-- in fact it is used to hold the subject's head still. Posing stands are too flimsy to hold up even a child's body, much less an adult.

    Evaluate the subject of the photograph and the pose. IF the subject looks alive with eyes open, then the subject IS ALIVE!

    Closed eyes, sunken eyes and cheeks and evidence of rigor are all indicators of a pm. Poses where the subject is laying down MAY be a pm.

    In my experience, images of young children and babies are probably the hardest to evaluate. Remember-- the baby might just be sleeping in the mother's arms. Clues of the mother's expression and clothing (mourning) may give an indication of a pm.

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    1. scottvez scottvez, 8 years ago
      Thanks much apache and spiritbear!

    2. scottvez scottvez, 8 years ago
      Thanks vo and bobby!

    3. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 8 years ago
      Scott, I have to laugh...when I saw this before I plugged in, I said to myself "Now that one's dead"! haha Oh man, that's not funny is it...hahaa why am I still laughing???
    4. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 8 years ago
      Don't have to hold a mirror under his nose & I doubt that's a travel guide he is holding.
    5. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 8 years ago
      HA HA HA BB2 OMG that was a great one!!!
    6. scottvez scottvez, 8 years ago
      Thanks buss and passion!

    7. scottvez scottvez, 8 years ago
      Thanks gatekeeper and brunswick.

    8. scottvez scottvez, 8 years ago
      Thanks vetraio.

    9. scottvez scottvez, 8 years ago
      Thanks much filmnet.

    10. scottvez scottvez, 8 years ago
      Thanks for looking tom.

    11. scottvez scottvez, 8 years ago
      Thanks for looking swamp.

    12. scottvez scottvez, 8 years ago
      Thanks much peggy!

    13. scottvez scottvez, 8 years ago
      Thanks for looking alan.

    14. scottvez scottvez, 8 years ago
      Thanks for looking sign.


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