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I believe these are Nanny Still SULTAANNI? Can someone confirm this?

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (24 items)

    These small glasses - juice or cordial? Are in a deep teal which is indicative of the 50's and 60's Scandinavian barware. I believe these are Nanny Still but would love a confirmation of that. There was one larger glass as well but I am going to keep that in my bathroom :)

    4 1/2 oz - 2 1/2" (6.5 cm) wide x 2 5/8" (6.6 cm) tall

    Mystery Solved
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    1. austrohungaro austrohungaro, 8 years ago
      A nice design but no Sultaanni. the design is completely different, lacking the stripe surfuca. also, Sultaanni glasses are cylindrical on the top, they don't get wider at the top rim
    2. Rosiegirl Rosiegirl, 8 years ago
      Thanks so much Austro! I see what you mean about the stripe surfuca. Okay...back to my research then. Thinking they are Scandi...
    3. Rosiegirl Rosiegirl, 8 years ago
      They are definitely high quality and handmade. I'd love some ideas as to other Scandinavian artists. I am trying Tamara Aladin...
    4. Rosiegirl Rosiegirl, 8 years ago
      I believe I have an ID!

      Bertil Vallien for Boda Åfors Bruk blue glasses. I should have realized they were the same pattern as another set of cordial stemware I have. Not sure what to call these as they hold more - low ball?

    5. njwilson njwilson, 8 years ago
      A very early Bertil Vallien design - pattern BV102 from 1963, his first full year at the Åfors works.
    6. Rosiegirl Rosiegirl, 8 years ago
      Thanks so much @njwilson ! I appreciate you taking the time to provide the pattern number! I'll post a picture of some matching cordial glasses in case you know the model of those too. And if you would call them something other than cordial glasses, let me know. Thanks again!
    7. njwilson njwilson, 8 years ago
      If they're a matching pattern, they will have the same model number - Vallien designs, at least of that era, had either series names or single numbers for whole suites.

      When first designed, BV102 consisted of three pitchers (200cl, 130cl, 75cl), a tankard, a 40cl 'drink glass' (that's all they call it), a 15cl glass of unspecified nature, and a schnapps glass.
    8. njwilson njwilson, 8 years ago
      Just saw your other ones - yes, they're BV112.

      Different series to these BV102 glasses, but still in that lovely Afors blue! I've a BV112 wine carafe, and it's so tactile.
    9. Rosiegirl Rosiegirl, 8 years ago
      Awesome NJ! I love this teal glass too.

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