Posted 8 years ago
(471 items)
Bought for 50p at the local r.c this lovely art glass fish in clear and purple colour ..
At 61/2"h & 4"w & quite heavy for its size ..
Don't this k it's murano as it has a rough pontil mark ..
So going for Czech glass again ..
Not sure what type of fish ??
Any ideas welcome
Thanks for looking;-)
Thanks GeodeJem :-)
Thanks mikelv85
& Manikin for your loves:-)
I get it! The glass does the same thing to me... It's like I know it's not Murano, yet I purchase it anyway! The price has always been right for me too so I have no regrets after. I think with Murano, they are so good you really don't have to guess at what type of anything the piece is. That's when you know. So let me ask you this, when you bought it, were you walking around holding it, you knew it wasn't but hoped it was? uh huh! you knew! So what kind of fish is it? One you love anyway, right?! ;) Great to see you btw!
I shouldn't be such a smart a__!
I have a better answer for you...Put your fingers at your pull, what do you see!!! hahaha Sorry but I just had to say that!
Thanks shareurpassion I'm in stitches lol
You Hit the nail right on the head !!
I've just done the same again with a red bowl that I'm about to list!!
Thanks for your love and cool comments ;-) lol
Thanks wandlessfairy
& Deano for your loves ;-)
Very pretty, and well done but not Murano. Lord knows the pieces I started with that i though were Murano...LOL. At least I admit it.....LOL.
I have a color thing going on for a while in Glass.....Did not matter what it was, as long as it was the color. We see the world through Rose Colored (Art) Glasses...LOL.
Love it ...and SHAREURPASSION is so funny....roflmao
Thanks Antiquerose!
I think we've all done it & still do it from time to time !
Thanks for your love & cool comments ..;-)
Thanks vetraio50 for your love;-)
Love you know if it has uranium? Have you tried putting it under blacklight?
Thanks racer4four
& Bijoucaillouvintage for your loves
Hi VikingGirl..
I've have just tried blacklight & sorry to say there isnt any uranium !!
Thanks for your love & idea .. I would never of thought of trying it ;-)
I'm so glad you appreciate my humor...and glad you were not offended! Rose too!
I just feel if we all laugh, we'll all feel better ;)
Shareurpassion ;-)
I'm always up for a laugh & some fun ;-))
I just thoght of it since i own a glass duck, clear and with blue by the " tail" and when you put it under blacklight it glows green from the uranium :) your welcome and congrats on a lovely glass piece :)
Thanks again VikingGirl :-) it's something that I'll try from now on !!
Thanks Karenoke
& Fixitjmc for your loves ;-)
Thanks inky for your love:-)