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yougottahave…'s loves1453 of 91121970s NHRA The "Cheetah" owned and tuned by Alan Tschida1951 International Update...
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1 item)

    ROYAL Brand golf balls, 2 black sleeves, #1's &#2's
    Balls are pristine have never been even on the ground. No other markings on balls other than "Royal" in black, and red #'s. The balls are soft covered, almost like a Pro V1 feel. They are that old skool ivory color w the old time dimples. The sleeves have nothing printed on them other than pictured. Anyone know how old??? Are they unique , desirable, collectibles, value?? Guessing they are from '45 to '55, n may have some value being brand new, the balls are a 10/10, sleeved 9/10

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    1. kesmith5910 kesmith5910, 8 years ago
      These golf balls, from the 1970s, are fairly common. Vintage golf ball collectors buy balls from that area on eBay for a few bucks. Golf balls from the 70s that have a golfer's name on them are more desireable.
    2. Aviator84, 8 months ago
      My back yard is against a golf course. A Hilton hotel.
      I find 6 or more in my back yard every week. Some are lodged in the trees
      About 15%+ are Titleist or Callaway.. look like new.
      I have a 5 Gallon plastic bucket almost full.
      My neighbor has the same amount. The trees stop
      Them from breaking the windows.

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