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Vintage 1961 Encyclopedia Brittanica World Globe By Repogle Cold War Era

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1101 items)

    Vintage 1961 Encyclopedia Britannica World Globe by Replogle
    Cold War Era

    The globe was a complimentary gift by Britannica if an entire Encyclopedia set was purchased, because of this the Globe displays the Britannica emblem.

    This globe is of Mid Century Modern design style. The globe features black oceans rather than the more common blue. It also has a chrome finished mount. It measures 17" in height including stand.

    This model is displaying the political borders of 1961, as it shows the United Arab Republic (1958-61), a venture between Egypt and Syria, which lasted only a very short period. Only Egypt is labeled as the UAR. Since the legend of this model no longer identifies French West Africa (dissolved in 1960) it helped identify the age of the Globe.

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    1. Peasejean55 Peasejean55, 8 years ago
      Wow what an interesting globe especially with the independence of so many countries during the 1960s, and in recent years. I really could spend ages looking at this globe to see how the map of the world as changed over the last 50 yrs. I love it, geography is a very big interest of mine, thank you for posting vintagelamp.
    2. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 8 years ago
      Peasejean55, I am glad that you like it! I had never seen a black globe prior to this one.
    3. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 8 years ago
      nutabotas6, Thank you!
    4. artfoot artfoot, 8 years ago
      We used to call these "prophecy globes" for when the waters turn black.
    5. vintagelamp vintagelamp, 8 years ago
      artfoot, Now that is a cool name for this globe. Thank you! :)
    6. artfoot artfoot, 8 years ago
      Happy to help. :+)

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