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one of my all-time favorite (non-road) signs

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PoliticalPin…'s loves762 of 1022FRATELLI TOSO MURANO GOLD AVENTURINE GLASS DISH, Circa 1950-60Glacier Park Blackfeet Roosevelt American Indian
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1778 items)

    Actually not probably so much a "sign" as a "logo", I'd guess it was meant to be displayed indoors in an office lobby or somesuch. Nicely made of good quality extruded/textured plastic with a masonite back, 14.5" diameter. Small label on the back identifies it as a product of GENERAL DISPLAYS of Annandale, VA.

    I'd guess it is ca. 1980's, I "picked it" in the late 1990's (along with half a truckful of other neat crap) from an old neglected building downtown (long vacant storefront plus 2 upper stories) which my then-landlord had just purchased way-cheap, hoping he'd be able to remodel it into something. His plans didn't come to pass, the building ended up being knocked down several years after that.

    I have ALWAYS wondered how it came to get there from whatever gov't office building it probably started its life in...the part of the old building I found it in (still neatly hanging on a wall?!) had rather obviously been most recently 'occupied' by some or other group of kids (presumably?) with a fondness for drinking/smoking/hard rock/pentagram graffiti/yada yada. It must have been *quite the prize* for whichever one of those unknown miscreants first snatched it from someplace...? <lol>

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    1. PoliticalPinbacks PoliticalPinbacks, 8 years ago
      Shortly after the "Just Say No" era "Just Say Yo"
    2. Budek Budek, 7 years ago
      Very interesting, nice design and quality, cool piece!
    3. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 7 years ago
      My most gracious thank-yous to:

      blunderbuss2, PoliticalPinbacks, racer4four, Efesgirl, Manikin, GeodeGem, TheGateKeeper, & dlpeterson for the <love it>s -- and to PoliticalPinbacks and Budek for your comments!!! :-) :-) :-)

      One more bit of trivia I can add to this story. Within a couple months of my showing this sign, I happened to be watching the TV news one evening when there was a report on something or other that had happened at the DEA. SURE ENOUGH -- on the wall behind the 'official spokesman' (at their Washington, D.C. headquarters) were *a pair* of these exact insignias, one on each side of the podium?!! <big smile><small happydance>

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