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my 'outside' display of road signs

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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1778 items)

    By no means the entirety of my highway/road sign collection, these are just the 33 currently decorating my backyard fence. All were obtained *perfectly legally* -- most came from a local scrapyard where the state DOT periodically leaves a dump-truck or two's worth of retired signs, but a few were traded/bought from fellow collectors. They're all made of heavy sheet aluminum with some or other form of reflective plastic "sheeting" layer on their front surface providing the legends/lettering. Many actually have a grease-pencil date on their backsides indicating when they would have been put into service, I doubt if any are much more than 20yrs old, if that. All are absolutely genuine and have seen previous 'civic duty' alongside a road someplace, except the yellow EXIT ONLY pair (intended to mount to the surface of a green interstate sign) which were new-old-stock and unused when I got them. The yellow RxR and 'winding road' (at least) both now feature various bullet holes, the 'winding road' was also somewhere close to a fire for a little while, its sheeting being slightly scorched/singed on one edge. The blue 'DEPT of CORRECTION BOOT CAMP' would have come from a state 'adopt a highway' litter collection program pair of signs. The smallish white "FAT DADDY'S BBQ (we put meat on your buns!)" restaurant logo would have come from a blue interstate 'food this exit' sign.

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    1. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 8 years ago
      My belated THANKS FOR THE LOVES to officialfuel, blunderbuss2, PoliticalPinbacks, fortapache, EJW-54, spitball, and (newly) Neonking!

      :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
    2. MyCountry MyCountry, 7 years ago
      Just love the DEPT of CORRECTION BOOT CAMP' with the arrow below it ...
    3. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 7 years ago
      More THANKS to MyCountry, AnnaB, and clockerman for the <love its>! MyC, that Dept/Correction sign is indeed one of my favorites -- of all the widely various 'sponsors' of the State litter collection program (which can be literally anybody that writes the check/signs the agreement, I think?) it's gotta be one of the more amusing ones, and I'm lucky that it just happened to be there that day at the scrapyard... ;-) :-) It is also very *big* (5' long or so) so I am also happy to have the space on the fence to display it. (where I see it out my window first thing every morning)
    4. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 6 years ago
      MORE THANKS to spitball, Anik, Trey, yougottahavestuff, & Brunswick for your <love it>s and comments!! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

      Thomas, the I-69 set came from Indiana via a fellow sign collector. Notice its state 'branding' immediately above the route number, current DOT regulations have removed the state names from interstate route ID signs so new ones that now appear in most places don't have that. The other various (AR) highway signs on the fence *are* actually oriented in mostly correct positions, pointing towards which way that road would really be from my backyard. ;-)

      We have an AR Hwy69 somewhere up towards Missouri, a friend of mine once promised to "bring me" a sign from it until he otherwise sorta dropped of the radar...oh, well... <lol> That 'windy road' sign is indeed a road-warrior survivor...besides its burn marks, it has been shot up by at least 2 or 3 distinctly differing forms of firearms. <eeek>

      Another fun one is the green mile marker 150 -- I didn't realize myself until somewhat after that sign ended up on my fence (assisted by Google on a whim one afternoon) that there is, in reality, only *one single* interstate within AR that actually *has* a "mile 150" -- and that spot is right here in OurFairCity on I-40, just to one side of the I-40/I-30 interchange in North Little Rock, where I rather regularly drive right by where it probably used to live. <cool> :-)
    5. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 6 years ago
      i love the 'plant entrance' and big 'exit only'!
    6. Dr.Duke, 5 years ago
      You are probably the only person in the world with a legal Interstate 69 sign. I used to travel on it in Michigan and it seemed half of the signs were always missing. If the DOTs were smart they would sell new I 69 signs to raise money.

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