Posted 8 years ago
(43 items)
This is another interesting tool I picked up recently. Many tools can be attached to the shaft like a saw blade, lathe chuck, grinder, etc. I don't know what this tool is called. I may disassemble it and repaint everything everything before I decide what to do with it.
Those are called shaft pullyies or counter shaft pullies. They are fairly old and if you ever intend using them or selling them for use, do your homework before you start taking them apart. Take my word, you will have a worn shaft and bearings to replace along with odd bitch clips etc. Been there, done that. (also called multi drive pulley some places)
Bitch clips? my question is: WHY did they call them that. were they used for dogs or something?
No sir they were a bitch to get off until the tool to remove them was invented. The name stuck. They are now called snap rings but in the day they were a bitch to get off. Back then there were no loops or rings you had to pry them out and bust knuckles and bitch about it.
Lay shaft.
slackjack a lay shaft is in a gear box. This is better called a counter shaft because of where it mounts and the fact that gears don't drive it, pullies drive it indirectly from the power source using a fan belt. A lay shaft is gear driven and direct.
I recall those clips before the holes we called a Jesus clip when it flew off... Jesus where did that go.
So this is like a transfer pulley, like a reduction gear would be used?
Another word you may want to add to the understanding of this assembly is "arbor."
Never heard those other terms for a circlip/snap ring. May I use them ?
Blunder, you young pups never heard lots of things. That is why you are here live and learn.
PoliticalPinbacks Yes, they were called Jesus clips at one point. I forgot that but you are 100% right.