Posted 8 years ago
(471 items)
Picked up for £1.50 as I thought it looked really awesome with the clear & coloured glass..
I think it maybe a candle holder??
Roughly3.5"h and an acid etched mark on the base which as yet I haven't found but still looking .
An S in a Christmas tree ??
Can't tell you anymore about it I'm afraid
Hope you like it ;-) thanks for looking..
Any info very welcome ;-)
Thanks Brunswick for your love:-)
It reminds me of something Stromberg would have made (like the one in the link below) but I don't recognize that mark. Wish I could be more help!
Thanks Iggy
& racer4four for your loves;-))
Thank you swfinluv1 for your love and cool comments & the link
I've never seen this mark before . Think it's a 70s/80s piece .
I've seen a similar design by other makers but this is a strange one ;-)
Thanks vetraio50 for your love:-)
It's not "Sommerso" ..Italian glass is it ?
Thanks mikelv85 for your love;-)
Hi paulnot
Thanks for your suggestion ;-)
It looks like sommerso & if it wasn't for the mark I wouldv thought that but it's the mark on the base I can't find yet !!
Many thanks
Thanks kyratango for your love;-)
Thankyou Ted_straub for your love:-)
Thanks mikelv85
& Jimam for your loves ;-)
Thanks gargoylecollector for your love:-)
Thanks Sean68
& Kivatinitz for your loves:-)
Thanks vikingGirl for your love ;-))
If you don't mind me saying this - I wouldn't put a candle in your piece. Either show it off on a shelf, top of cabinet etc., or use for a vase.
Thanks Gillian . I won't be putting candles in it don't worry !!
Thanks cushmanh for your love ;-)