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my ROWE/AMI jukebox

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PoliticalPin…'s loves547 of 1022Evans Jukebox mid 1950sWWII  ARMY AIR CORPS   1944
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (1778 items)

    Roddyq's pics inspired me to find some of my own little 'quarter operated record player'... ;-) ...while maybe not totally as old or as cool as Roddy's Mexican machine (I did not know such things existed?!) it's still one of my favorite toys. :-)

    This is an AMI/ROWE model R-91, dating from the late 1970's/early 80's -- and most definitely showing it with its orange/'coppertone'/mirrors/chaser lites design. It is currently in (dusty but) fully working condition except for its dollar bill acceptor mechanism which needs rebuilt. (and I have an extra one to facilitate that process when/if I get around to it)

    I recovered this machine from a barn in central Illinois about 20yrs ago, where it had apparently been stored several years earlier by a distant cousin of mine (who I've still never met?) who apparently once worked for a local amusement company. The machine still, in fact, bears its last several years worth of official State of IL 'amusement tax' stickers and a local 'registration tag' from the small city where it last served commercially, which actually gives the name of the (dive?) bar it used to live in. :-)

    When found, the box was filthy but complete (including records) except for its power amplifier chassis -- I got very lucky at the time and actually found and bought an exact replacement on eBay. It holds 100 45RPM records.

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    1. roddyq roddyq, 8 years ago
      Anythingobscure I really like your AMI and it sure holds a lot of records twice as many as the Evans I posted. Even though this Evans was assembled here in Mexico the Company first started in America in 1947 or 48, 7 or 8 years before going bankrupt and being bought by 2 business men from Mexico city. They used the tools, dies and parts from their buyout and carried on building them in Mexico for a few more years.
      It's not too often one comes across the older jukeboxes for a reasonable price. The one you recovered tells an interesting story in itself and I'm sure fits in nicely among all your collectibles. I really like the jukeboxes they bring back memories of days gone by.
      Thank you for mentioning me in your post your kind comments are much appreciated.
    2. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 8 years ago
      You are SO more than welcome, roddyq! Unfortunately for me, the machine currently resides in the breakroom of the shop where I work (thus most of its current layer of 'protective dust') because -- let's face it -- jukeboxes *ain't* small, nor light?!! <lol> Even if dusty, it remains safe... :-)

      There's a similar-vintage AMI (slightly older probably but I bet the insides are close) in red 'Mediterranean design' sitting forlorn in a local burger place nearby where it now serves only as 'set dressing'. <boo, hiss> I'd love to be able to rescue that poor thing, too...its color scheme would fit into my current house *so* much better, even if the style would clash horribly... <lol>

      My gracious thanks as well to ALL Y'ALL for sending your loves -- far too many to list -- I'm SO HAPPY that you'se guys like this thing?!! (I would have posted the pics sooner, if I'd have known?!) :-) :-) :-)
    3. roddyq roddyq, 8 years ago
      Heavy for sure AnythingObscure, the Evans is around 150 kilos not something you can easily move around!! They really are so neat especially the older ones that light up. Maybe you will end up with the older AMI from the Burger place and move the one from where you work, then you can have surround sound in your house:))

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