Phonoboy » collections



N.E. Oklahoma

Phonograph enthusiast. I also collect coins, stamps, and bottles.


  1. There appears to be a mark under the lid. I can't read it.
  2. The green stamp is Benjamin Franklin.
  4. Google William Still and Sons coffee machine.
  5. At least the penny takes up less space. It's no Chevy, but I'd keep it anyway.
  6. Minted in Philadelphia.
  7. I'd say you have a beat up 57.
  8. Looks like it was plated. Someone's lucky penny?
  9. It looks like someone had some fun with a file.
  10. I believe the patent number will give you the date.
  11. Nicely done. About how tall is it?
  12. Looks like a Pilliard motor. I have one similar that has a tiny two main springs. Does it say Swiss made anywhere?
  13. I'm thinking Trajan Dupondius.
  14. Is the edge completely smooth, no lines?
  15. There are people I can ask, if you give me permission to share the image.
  16. Part of a kerosene lamp pulley?
  17. How big is it it? It reminds me of smashed pennies, could it have been made from a penny?
  18. That's cool, but does it cross-stitch.
  19. Cool find. I've never seen one like it.
  20. Looks like a trip wire, or door gun.
  21. Some sort of insulation cutter?
  22. It looks like it would hold some sort of daily planner, notebook, or address book?
  23. Beautiful toning. I don't think it'd be worth sending off.
  24. You can find similar ones if you do an image search for handheld wood auger.
  25. I would assume 1920 is the telephone number. If I'm right, It shouldn't be hard to get an approximate date, knowing that they used a 4 digit phone number and knowing the name of the city.
  26. It looks like someone shaved it down and put it inside the rim of a penny. How odd.
  27. That is one pretty T!
  28. I agree. Looks more like ink bleed than misprint.
  29. I've heard good things about non pumice Goop. I've only used a water damp cloth to clean antique wood finishes, then I wax after it's completely dry.
  30. Looks 1933 - 1962, according to logo style.
  31. It looks like a BNW - 1909-13. I don't think the decal is original.
  32. I love how mechanical those old radios are.
  33. Those have an interesting sound.
  34. That is really cool.
  35. Very cool.
  36. Until 1929. Interestingly, Edison continued to make cylinders along side Disc production.
  37. Thanks. I did have to remove some material to fit it in the tone arm, other than that, the finish is original.
  38. New to me.
  39. My father had one on his tractor. They're pretty convenient.
  40. I believe those are shellac 78s.
  41. The finish looks perfect.
  42. It's a neat piece. I like it.
  44. The formations look more crystalline than gold would. I think it's Iron pyrite. Cool find.
  45. There are many collectors who post on YouTube. If you're curious, you can search the song title and you might get lucky and hear the record you have. Merry Christmas.
  46. What a find! Do you have the appropriate machines to play them? If the Columbia cylinder matches the box, it's a 2 minute wax, and can't be played on a 4 minute machine. Indestructible made 2 and 4 mi...
  47. It looks like clay to me.
  48. Your missing the wire card holder on the right side, it should look the same as on the left. They are fun, aren't they?
  49. Thanks, kwqd.
  50. It's all there. I use it occasionally.
  51. See more


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