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1965 Coca-Cola Sign

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Coke Signs245 of 1123My loose ends. All are early 50s.  Can't find any reference other than the top and bottom sprite lithosCoke sign I found in grandpa's storage
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    Posted 8 years ago

    (148 items)

    '65 Fishtail sign designed to fit over existing signage as advertising campaigns and logo design changed. Or were mounted to wood framing and poles to lure in thirsty customers, for an ice cold, delicious, and refreshing bottle of Coca-Cola.

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    1. CokeKid-04 CokeKid-04, 8 years ago
      Very cool. Thanks for the education on this DN.
    2. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 8 years ago
      Thanks. I agree, nifty how these signs work over the others. It was an early 60's thing, don't see them other than from that few years, as far as I know.

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